Part 6: It's Okay Weiss, Really

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"So... how much did you spend on all this again?" Blake hesitantly asked, trying hard to keep a smile off her face. There was so much: flour, chocolate chips, sugar and butter. Multiple containers for multiple brands of multiple ingredients. Seeing a piece of paper on the bottom of one of the unpacked boxes, the Faunus girl reached in to retrieve it. Upon pulling it out, it read: "Order Summary". Three double-sided sheets of paper, detailing Weiss' purchase with the total price on the back. Upon principle, Blake was never one to react too much, often remaining neutral in most situations where her friends would be dramatic. This was not one such time. She yelped in a blend of confusion, anger and amusement when she saw the total. "You spent... Over twenty-thousand Lien on this?" Blake asked, looking away from the paper to give her teammate a smug, suggestive glare. Weiss was silent, flush with embarrassment.

"I never cooked before, I didn't want to run out of ingredients and leave Ruby without," Weiss justified, to Blake as well as herself.

"Weiss. You'd be lucky to leave her without diabetes at this point," Blake laughed, only to get a light punch in the arm.

Tolerant of Blake's mockery, Weiss opened her scroll and found a recipe in an e-book she had purchased, the one she assumed Summer Rose would use given the date the book was published. The two got to work. They spent the entire morning making dough, preheating ovens and laying trays with baking paper. The first batch of twenty-four... somehow burned on the outside with soggy dough for filling. By that time the clock read 11:30 am and the kitchen staff had to begin lunch so they had to vacate, leaving their cookies there for some lucky (or in this case unlucky) students to have with their meal. The two sat and ate lunch, discussing their shortcomings as bakers and making a conscious effort to avoid the sight of their friends.
Once the lunch period was over and the classes resumed, Weiss suggested different ingredients, different brands and different combinations. The second patch was not cooked enough, too soft and gooey. As soon as the heiress caught sight of her failings, her face fell onto an unopened bag of flour, cushioning her failure. Curious about what was going wrong herself, Blake decided to double- triple-check the recipe.

Opening the oven, steam flooded out and the sweet vanilla and chocolate aroma clung to it. Weiss awkwardly wafted it away from her face and donned a pair of oven mitts to retrieve them. Blake unshielded her eyes and they both stared in awe of the third batch: just right. Weiss put aside the correct flour, sugar and chocolate chips, still with an abundant excess. Trial and error worked. "Third time's the charm I guess," Blake smiled and started to load the left-over ingredients into the pantry so the cooks wouldn't go to waste.

"Thanks, Blake... really," Weiss bowed ever so slightly, her hands together. Ever so traditional. Perfect form. Blake sighed and shook her hair
"Thank you, I didn't think this would be so fun," Blake turned back to packing up ingredients, "plus I've been working on opening up to Yang and Ren so much that I forgot about you and Ruby. I'm hoping this is the start of a change,"

Weiss nodded at that before groaning and putting her hand on her face, wiping it down in annoyance. Without missing a beat, or pausing her packing, Blake giggled lightly, "You realise you could have asked Ren to help you?" Blake turned around with a smirk and Weiss, still with her hand over her eyes, nodded. Ignoring that small shortcoming in her planning, she went to evaluate the remaining ingredients.

"This goes without saying but not a word of this to Ruby or Yang," Weiss' tone blends somewhat sincerity and vulnerability with her usual strict business-like demeanour. Blake nods.

Later, the kitchen is unpacked of any unnecessary clutter thanks to their combined effort. The pantry was packed. It was an overstatement to say that the school's bakers would be blessed for months to come. Even still, the issue remained of the "best" cookie ingredients, still in various open packets across the countertop. One by one, they were placed on scales. Each weight is written down on Blake's scroll. 108 cookies worth of ingredients is estimated to be in front of the girls.

Grow Up - A RWBY WhiteRose FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora