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For Bright, Win is his home.

Bright woke up to the smell of honey sweet aromatic pancakes. He went down the stairs and found Win dancing and singing happily to pop songs on his phone.

He wore a cute white bluish apron, fresh clean face and wonderful scent of rose shampoo.

Bright smiled to the scene and went to backhug Win. Surprised, Win cursed.

"godd P' stop scaring me." he sounded annoyed but the shy smile on his face when Bright snuggled into his neck, planting small kisses and licked his earlobe said otherwise.

"have you showered yet P?"
Bright shaked his head.

"ohhh godd, please take a shower before we eat. Pancakes almost done! Go!"
Win pushed Bright off him and ushered him to shower.

That morning, Bright had enough time to sit and had a breakfast with Win. They talk about silly things and spent their morning in unusual peace.

As they were enjoying their pancakes, Win unintentionally confessed his secret thoughts,

"I wish I can talk to you like this every day P" Win showed his beautiful smile.

Bright felt a pang in his chest. Win's words hit him hard. He knew these past days he didn't treat Win right, he had lack of time for him. This realisation had made it harder for him to announce his depart to Korea.

"baby I'm sorry. But I have works for a week in Korea. The company needs one more partner in the upcoming project so I need to-"

Bright tried to reason him.

"that's okay P', I understand. You had more important works to do"
Win smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes, it was not the same contagious teeth smile.

Bright saw Win's hurtful emotions behind those fake smile. He wanted Win to know that he was second to none.

"you are. You are the most important matter to me. Win, you know that I couldn't keep up with all these things without you."

Bright held Win's hands across the dining table. Caressing them, staring at Win with love.

"the reason why I keep on pushing myself to go out of my comfort zone.. letting myself surrounded by fakest people on earth, and fulfilled my burdened responsibilities is because I know,"

Bright continues,

"that the end of the day, I have my partner, my purest angel, waiting at home to spend time with me. The transparent me."

Win stunned. He can't open his mouth to say anything. Too overwhelmed by the heartless, cold gang leader's warm deep confession.

"my angel didn't need me to all masked up in expensive suits and stoic face to know I am qualified enough to handle a job"

Bright grinned.

"Cause he trust me with all his heart."

Bright stood up and went to Win.

"my angel didnt need me killing and screaming out loud for mistakes cause he listens and understands me."

Win had his tears pooling.

"and last but not least, my angel didnt need me to give all stupid gifts and cashes for a deal cause he know I'm a man of my word for something that matters to me."

Win cried a single tear. Bright touched his face, he smiled to Win. He felt all his bottled up feelings that he unable to speak to win finally burst.

Devil's Angel [BrightWin/SarawatTine] Where stories live. Discover now