Her breath came out in short puffs as she looked at the arrowhead that was covered in a dried metallic substance. Clarissa's stomach turned at the realization that it was her blood that she was staring at. The blood from the night that she had died was staring her right in the eyes along with the thing that had killed her.

"That wasn't very polite." Clarissa snarled angrily, her hand slowly turning the arrow in her hand so that the reminder of her death was facing the thing that killed her. "I was trying to have a civilized conversation, but I see that cannot happen tonight."

Her lips pulled into a horrifying smile, her canines glinting in the light as she dropped the arrow from her hand. It floated in the air over her outstretched palm, hovering threateningly as it pointed towards the man that shot it.

She could feel the pressure of trying to keep the object there, knowing that the dread doctor was attempting to pull it back to him. Though it did not fly towards him even though he struggled to get it to reel back in on the wire.

"I don't think so." Clarissa declared lowly, jerking her hand forwards harshly. She poured all of her rage and energy into the motion, watching with satisfaction as the arrow flew towards the being in front. A squelching noise met her ears as the arrow made impact through the thick jacket that the being was wearing. "Payback is a bitch."

Clarissa turned on her heels in the opposite direction towards the library as a loud roar reverberated throughout the school. She was planning to go find the beast and attempt to tear into the thing.

Her adrenaline was pumping in her veins and she felt like she was on top of the world. She had just landed a blow on the Dread Doctors and she couldn't feel happier. Though one thing would give her a little bit more satisfaction which is why she paused suddenly, turning to look at the three beings that were still stood in their place.

"I almost forgot something."

Her hand jerked towards the three beings, her focus entirely on the arrow that had her blood caked on it. As she raised her hand up and moved it towards her, she was satisfied when the arrow came to rest in her hand once again.

"I'll be taking this." Clarissa declared smugly as she yanked the crossbow away from the being with her strength. It landed in her hands neatly and the auburn-haired girl didn't bat an eyelash at the grime that now coated the object. "You'll also be going that way."

Clarissa flung her hands out again, her eyes narrowed as she poured her energy into her hands once more and focused. It was cracking in the air around her as more energy went into the force.

The force knocked the Dread Doctors back forcefully and a sadistic grin crossed Clarissa's face as she watched them crash through the wall. The sound of aggressive clicking and metallic groans didn't faze her as she turned away once more with a little more pep in her step.

"That was for my brother Corey and for Theo." Clarissa called back to the beings mockingly as she strolled away from them, not caring in the slightest that she just caused a giant hole in the wall of her high school. "You should have listened to him when he said to stay the hell away from me."

Clarissa ignored the clicking for the first time since she could recall hearing it. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders when she watched the arrow pierce through their covering. If she could do damage to them, she could kill them, and she really wanted to kill them.

If she wouldn't have tuned out the clicking noises though, she would have heard three robotic voices repeating the word success over and over again.


Clarissa had the crossbow clenched tightly between her hands as she jogged down the hallway towards the library. She wanted to put as much distance between herself and the Dread Doctors as possible even though she felt like going to the library was a bad idea.

Monstrous ➙ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now