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When Kyoka passed out again I almost screamed. I was so worried about her, cursing at myself under my breath, I ran out to get recovery girl to have a proper look at her.

Kaminari heard the news and came in to check up as well, Kyoka was still unconscious and we were still worried. Afraid that when she woke up, everything about her will be different, yet hoping that if she woke up her hearing would come back. It was a strange feeling. Almost like wanting something to happen but not knowing what that something is.

I sat down in a chair next to her bed with Kaminari and recovery girl standing next to each other. Kyoka means so much to me. She is my first friend at UA and now she looks like her soul is drained from her. We are all so sad and worried. Just waiting for her to show any sign of consciousness.


I see light. Pure, blinding, bright white light, nothing else apart from that. No feelings, no thoughts, no senses, nothing. My life is blank. It's a sheet of paper that needs to be filled. Despite not feeling anything, I kind of enjoyed this, it gave me a sense of peace and calmness and got rid of all my stress and things I needed to worry about.

This light started to fade, it was getting eaten by a much more powerful black. It was a colour that showed strength, pain and darkness. I don't like it at all. It scares me and reminds me of my sadness and loneliness. The black started taking over more and more, until there is only a tiny spec of white left. I tried my hardest to hold on to that small bit of peace left in my mind, but I couldn't, I had to let go.

The black was my reality, I feared my existence in this world. The white was my family and friends, they help me push through the darkness, but I know they can't help forever, I have to let go at some point. When my mind was completely filled by the darkness, I gained consciousness, aware of who I am and where I was.

When my eyes opened, Pikachu and Yaomomo immediately appeared in front of my face, tears rolling down both their cheeks. All I could do is smile, knowing that they're here with me. Pikachu looked more excited than anything while Yaomomo had an almost sad look in her eyes. She opened her mouth, hesitated to say something then closed it again very quickly. "Wha- what happened?" was all I can say. "Kyoka, can u hear me?" Pikachu half whispered. I nod my head in response as a wide smile formed on both their faces.

*another time skip*


A month has passed since the incident. The 3 of them were now all sitting together in the common room with Todoroki, Midoryia, Bakugo and Kirishima. They were all cracking jokes and having a good time until Kyoka asked a question that changed the mood. The question was short but she wanted to find the truth, no, she NEEDED to know the truth. She took a big breath in and finally asked.

"Kirishima, Bakugo, are u two dating?" They both looked at each other, a blush appearing on Kirishima's face. Bakugo was about to scream at Jirou when Kirishima spoke first. *inhale* "YEAH BOIIIIIIIIII" that earned him a nice smack on the head from Bakugo and they all laughed. Kirishima really was a living meme.

Now that the topic of dating was brought up, they all talked about their crushes. No names mentioned, just describing. Soon enough, they all had bright blushes on their faces and were all looking down at their hands shyly while fiddling. Jirou peeked at Momo a lot, whenever she had the chance, she'll quickly look over and smile.


We were sitting in the exact same place where she held my hand last time. A big as smile came onto my face as I remembered my memories from that day. I looked over to where Kyoka was and we just stared at each other for a while. We were in complete silence but it wasn't awkward. I liked it.

This time, she held my hand first and gave it a gentle squeeze. I almost forgot that the others were still here. They all looked at out interlocked fingers as I quickly let go and buried my face into my hands from embarrassment. 'Fuck... Why did I do this to myself... FUCK!! I LIKE HER MORE THAN A FRIEND'

Mini yeet it's me
Look who finally updated after 5 million years whoop whoop. I honestly have no idea what I'm writing at this point smh can someone end me pls. Anyways I hope u all r doing good in lock down and staying as safe as possible. I'm totally fine with the lock down tbh I just wake up, play video games all day and go back to sleep. Nah but fr tho it forced out all of my talents lol I finally finished writing a song and im drawing some fanart as well who would've thought this useless bean would have any talents lmao. I'll update whenever I remember to write sorry guys

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