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I felt so weird around Jirou, it's not that I don't like hanging out with her it's more like some thing's canstanty stirring up my stomach. I've never had this feeling before so I decided to ask a family 'friend' that was in my class as well.

I picked up my phone and texted him. 'Hey Shoto, can u meet me in my dorm in half an hour?' I wasn't sure if he was gonna reply because we weren't the closest. But he's really caring so I thought he might. ' Yeah sure I'll be there' ok now I've just gotta figure out how to get out of Jirou's dorm without seeming too rude. I guess I could help her with the bedsheets as that's the only thing left.

As I picked up her black sheets, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Jirou, she was blushing and I made me blush too. Her touch was so smooth and comforting, I loved it. "I can do that it's fine. You probably don't even wanna be here anyways, I'm just wasting your time sorry..." She said looking straight at the ground and playing with her earphone jacks. "Hey don't be sad, ofc I wanna be here helping u, setting up dorms are a nightmare but it's so much fun with u. (OK that sounded really cringy I'm sorry)

Jirou smiled and looked at me, she saw that I was blushing too. We both got a bit embarrassed and let out a small awkward laugh and then she said she made a deal with Kaminari to play smash bros after she had finished setting up her dorm. I nodded and walked out of her dorm.

It was nice to have my dorm right next to hers, it just felt comforting. Soon after I got inside, Shoto came in looking really tired and sleepy. He sat down on my bed and asked what I wanted him for. I briefly explained what I felt around Jirou and he seems to understand because he was nodding along.


I know exactly why Momo's feeling that way. But should I tell her or should I annoy her and try and make her figure it out... "Hmmmmm" I said after her long explanation. "This is very simple, don't u understand? Momo, ur in love." She went so red and looked at me dead in the eyes. "No im not! There's no way that I'll ever like a girl!" She half yelled at me.

I just laughed at how funny she looked and slowly walked out. Leaving her alone to figure herself out. Ngl tho... I felt the same around Midoriya. 'Does that mean I- nope no way. Why would I ever if I'm not gay... Wait am I gay?'

I'm sooooooo horny. Momo is perfect in every single way possible. 'Oh man I like her a lot, I can't stop thinking about her warm smile and her little embarrassed cute face when she blushed.' I was thinking about her so much that I didn't even notice that pickachu had came. "Too busy thinking about a special someone?" I hated how well he knew me. He would know what I'm thinking, if I'm lying, or sometimes even what I'm about to say. It's like he's inside my head reading everything. "Shut up I hate u" I said smiling as he turned on my TV and Nintendo switch.

"Sooooo... Are we gonna talk about ur little crush right next door?" Pikachu said "No were not because I'm about to fucking murder ur ass if u bring it up one more goddam time" I death stared him as usual and gave him the middle finger. He let out a little "hmph" and we continued playing smash bros. Well we did that for a long time. Like a realllyyyy long time. Because before we knew it, it was dark and we were just gonna keep playing until someone busted through the door without even knocking.

(Whoops I have no idea who's gonna be at the door lol I'll think of people ig...)

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