Chapter 1

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[A/N] - First attempt in writing a fanfiction on this heaven and hell blessed series. It will follow the Drama TV plot and the main pairing in my OC x Lan Xichen. There will also be a second OC after the 16 years' time skip but no main pairing there (yet). The Wangji x Xian ship stays and won't be touched.

Due to the era and the manners that exist in the series, there will not only be Slow Burn (somehow) but also have more distant moments. For those who have seen the series, know that most talking is done via the eyes and face. If the seems with Xichen are slightly off, forgive me but I try my best to make it and the characters as accurate as possible. Same if some characters end up being a little OC.

I haven't seen the animation or read the novel yet. I will but so far I add what I see from the story, what the fan wiki and Wikipedia give me and some of my own stuff. Any inaccuracies, comments, corrections are always welcomed. Please do not forget to vote and leave a comment.

There will be many time skips and some summary of the plot because my first OC is not present all the time. However, after the 16-year time skip, it will have more details and more engagement with my second OC.


Once upon a time, there was peace across the world, but all came to an end when the Wen Clan obtained 3 pieces of the Yin Iron. Now, with their newfound power, they forced everyone to bide under their rules or perish in a bloody bath.

They bullied smaller clans, destroyed those who seemed unworthy of being alive and enslaved those who wanted. It was a heavy tyranny, and everyone paid the price by simply lifting their heads against them.

Wanting to make their rule even stronger, Wen Ruohan ordered the head disciples of the other four sects to gather in Nightless City where they would spend 7 days under indoctrination. Those who resisted met the merciless forces of the evil sect.

A young, ambitious and powerful discipline called Wei Wuxian was one of them. Walking next to his adopted brother Jiang Cheng they made their way towards the ground the rest of the disciplines had gathered.

Behind them, some of their own disciplines as an escort but it was the two young boys who carried the title of 'head discipline'. A faint smile graced his lips once he spotted a familiar face, Nie Huaisang.

"Bro Wuxian" the man greeted, holding his fan tightly in his hands.

It was obvious that he was scared, the area they were in not helping at all. The sun was covered by dark grey clouds while the whole area was a mountain with pits and rivers of lava all around them. It was as dark and ominous as the sect that resided there.

Looking around, he noticed another familiar face from the Jin clan but also two unfamiliars. One was a man, most likely from a minor clan and the other was a young girl around their age, perhaps slightly older.

She was the only one there and was standing at the line as a head discipline, right between the Jin clan heir and the unknown disciple. What was weirder, was the fact that was no other disciples behind her; she was truly alone.

"Hey Huaisang, who is she?" he asked in a low tone and glanced at the girl.

She wore the robes of a head disciple, consisting of a strapless dark orange undershirt and the robes above it. They were a stormy grey in colour with the upper part being lighter and getting darker and darker as it descended towards the floor. The pattern of a dragon could be seen faintly being formed by lighter grey-white lines across the material. The edges of the baggy sleeves, the ribbon around her waist and the material at the front were a dark-dirty yellow-gold. Around her waist, light blue protection beads with talismans that protect against low-class spirits.

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