Chapter 31

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After the latest information that they had gathered, the three cultivators had taken the path through the forest, deciding to head themselves at the haunted place everyone talked about. Their pace was slow, nothing truly being heard in the unusually quiet forest.

Wangji was in the middle, having Wuxian by his left and Jia by his right. The much younger cultivator was quiet, mostly listening and thinking as the wiser cultivators talked, having a more personal insight into the Nie Clan and its current Leader.

"I cannot believe that Bro Huaisang could make it to be the Clan Leader of Nie. And he also got a nickname, Mr Know-nothing." Wuxian chuckled, only imagining the easily scared and weak-hearted cultivator from his past, now leading a clan; or at least trying. However, when his mind realized why he ended up in that position, his amused smile disappeared. "But how could that courageous and mighty Red Blade Master have died without a clear account?"

That was the truth, for the previous and mighty Nie Clan Leader had died under odd circumstances. She was young when it took place, not much, and she could still remember. She was not present but she heard the news, being soon after her mother had disappeared.

Considering the bond the deceased cultivator had with her father, she had witnessed first-hand how the death affected him, a combination of losing two of his closest people. She never blamed him and as she grew and faced danger, she understood him more; despite how his actions had also affected her.

"I did not witness" Wangji started to speak, snapping her from her thoughts. She kept her attention forward but she listened to every single word the two men exchanged. "I just know his cultivation went wrong. He dropped dead in public"

There was another silence but this one lasted way less than other ones, being disturbed by the sound of familiar barking.

"Fairy?" Jia questioned, being familiar with the dog and also being from the few animals across the lands of Cultivators.

At the mention of the dog, Wuxian gasped and half hid behind Wangji; his fear of dogs getting the best of him once again.

"Dog! Dog! Dog, Dog!" he now had hidden fully behind Wangji, looking around frantically for the animal.

Wangji, not surprised, looked at his friend above his shoulder. "Wei Ying, No dog here"

Wuxian waited and listened, the barking not being heard again. He chuckled with embarrassment and moved back to his original position. However, Jia was not as certain as her uncle.

"I will move slightly forward to check" she informed and started to walk down the path.

"Stay close," Wangji told her and she gave a small nod but kept heading forward.


Soon after Wuxian admitted a part of his past and the reasoning behind his fear of dogs, the two of them shared a look. Wangji said nothing but kept looking at him with a look Wuxian did not fully understand but he did not mind either.

The sweet small moment was disturbed by another dog barking, making Wuxian hide behind Wangji again; this time holding his robes in a tight enough grip. As the awkward moment slowly disappeared, a familiar voice was heard.


It was Jia and the duo who quickly moved towards the direction of her voice, their pace fast in fear that something might have happened to her. To their relief, when they found her, she was unharmed but she seemed to have stopped at an area of the woods covered by a thick fog.

"Look at this. A disorientation trap" she explained as the two men joined her sides.

They looked around them, the dog slowly spreading. Exchanging a look, they headed forward; deeper into the woods.

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