Chapter 22

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(The outfit)

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(The outfit)

(The outfit)

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(The Mask)


In the village of Mo, barely anyone was present to pay attention to the masked woman who walked along with the shadows. Her brown eyes were locked on the form of the main house, her next target. Close in reaching there, she could hear the mumbling and talk of the people who had gathered into the main household.

As she stayed at the back of the group, she managed to slip closer and become one with the crowd, only to notice the reason for this attention. 6 disciples from the Lan Clan of Gusu, dressed in their white robes, were the guest of Mrs Mo; called to get rid of an evil that had been disturbing the village for a while now.

Her eyes moved to each individual, each face familiar to her and all ignorant of her presence. Then, she noticed a man in silver with a grey mask. Narrowing her eyes on his form as he tried to spy from behind a gathered curtain, she felt it.

Something turned within her, a very faint breeze tickling her ear as if some invisible entity was whispering in her ear, and she knew. She had finally found him.

"Here I am!" he suddenly said, moving out of his hiding place and into the open, one hand lifted. He placed both hands on his waist and turned to look at the main heads of the Mo family that sat deeper into the room. "I just heard I was mentioned. I am the closest to the cultivators amongst the whole family, right?"

Mrs Mo was not happy at all with his appearance. She turned to the man by her side. "Who unlocked him? Bring him back".

The man laughed awkwardly before motioning with his hand. "Get out of here".

The people by the door started to whisper, talking about the masked young man; known as the madman of the family and the whole village. Always causing trouble and so on.

Speaking of him, he quickly fell on the floor. "I won't go. I won't go. I won't go".

The disciples tried hard to contain their laughter, using their sleeves to hide it while looking at each other. Only one of them seem to stay serious and rather concerned with the childish man.

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