Chapter 35

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One by one, Wuxian grabbed and lifted each blade as he tried to sense any signs of the Stygian Tiger Amulet. Yet, none seem to give that impression, which did not sit well with him. Since the incident at the Mo Village, it was clear that the sword ghost had been infected or connected partially by wicked energy belonging to the Stygian Tiger Amulet.

He voiced out his thoughts to his two travelling companions, who did not say anything but were equally troubled. Huaisang seemed to pick it up as he decided to speak, not hiding his annoyance at what they had forced him to do.

"What? Aren't you done digging the graves of others?" he asked, moving his fan to bring some cool air to his face.

Wuxian cleared his throat and laughed awkwardly, not sure what to say. Before he could, Wangji spoke up next. "I am afraid we are not," he said, making the Nie Clan Leader look at him.

"You...What do you mean?" he asked him.

The answer came from Jia. "Baxia, we haven't seen it yet" she explained, making him pale.

The young cultivator had been keeping an eye and mentally cataloguing the blades in her mind. She could not help but notice that a certain blade belonging to the brother of the current Nie Clan Leader was missing. Somehow, something was telling her that blade was the answer...for it was not uncommon to know about the explosive temper and anger the previous Clan Leader possessed.

"You mean, the blade owned by the Red Blade Master is not here?" Wuxian asked her.

"I haven't seen it anywhere nor do I see the name. It doesn't seem to be here" she explained, deciding not to add anything more about her gut feeling about third parties being present.

While Wuxian and Wangji talked, mostly the latter explaining what happened to the deceased Red Blade Master; Jia looked at Huaisang. It was clear as day that the memory still haunted him and a part of him could never properly grieve because the body of the Red Blade Master was never recovered or found in that case. And no one truly knew what had happened but everyone said it was gruesome.

It was a dark period for everyone and especially her father, who had now to mourn two deaths of people he cared about. She shook her head and decided to focus back on the talk between her two uncles.

"If Baxia led us here, to tell us who her owner is...where will it lead us next?" Wuxian asked Wangji.

"To the place, he was killed..." Jia suddenly said, staring at nothing. This made the two men look at her and she looked at them, her gaze slightly distant. "It is leading us to how he died and by wants us to help find his murderer" she explained. "Take the pouch out, uncle. I am sure now it will point us in a different direction"

Exchanging a look, Wangji gave a faint nod and grabbed the pouch. The energy inside it vibrated as it was trying to fight the power holding it captive. Wangji closed his eyes and let the energy guide him, leading his hand in a different direction this time. "West" he informed them and Wuxian looked at Jia with a proud smile on his face.

That child was indeed bright and she had a lot of talents that she had not figured out yet. Well, good thing that he was present.

"What Jia said makes sense now. Whoever placed the ghost sword in Mo manor, clearly wants us to find Red Blade master. And if the spirit is so uneasy, it only means what she said...that Red Blade Master..."

"Was murdered" Wangji continued for him, quickly realising where he was leading it.

He then glanced at his niece, who seem to have figured it out already or at least part of it. Although, the way she did was different from theirs and he suspected why. Yet, he did not say anything but glanced at his soulmate wondering when it would be the right time.

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