Chapter 14

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Before we knew it, it was time to head out to the party.
"We gotta go ky, we're gonna be late"
"Ugh"I groaned but wanted to get up from carls grasp.

We went down stairs and before leaving Carl said goodbye to fiona.
"Where you going?" Fiona asked coming up behind us to lock it after we left.
"Uh were goin out, we'll be back in a few hours." Carl said walking out the door, I quickly followed.

We walked to the party since fiona didn't let us use her car. Carl threw his arm around my shoulder and held me close.
"Hey if you want me and a couple buddies will be upstairs smokin' and all if you wanna come up there for a bit again."
"Uh yeah sure."

We finally arrived at the party and Carl immediately went upstairs, he pulled me with him and we walked into a room. It was filled with smoke. Me and Carl took a seat in the couch next to each other. One of his friends handed him a joint. Carl whipped out a lighter and lit it. He took a big hit, holding it in for a bit before passing it to me.

After me and Carl split 2 joints I made my way downstairs to find something to drink. I soon found the alcohol table and began filling a cup with whatever was near me. I began downing cup after cup of alcohol. I turned and took some shots with a random person.
Before I knew it I was dancing with random people and shot after shot everything started to become foggy.
I opened my eyes and I was in the middle of a circle grinding on some stranger.
My mind was running with thoughts but my body wouldn't stop moving. My mind started getting foggy again. And the next thing you know I'm walking to the stairs with some stranger, all I know is that it wasn't Carl.

My mind went foggy again and this time I opened my eyes and the stranger was pulling everything off of my body, taking advantage of everything.
I tried
I tried and tried over and over
He would stop.
"Stop moving" he slapped me across the face
Tears started streaming down my face as he started to go in me.

Someone busted through the door, I looked up and it was Carl.
"What the fuck!?, who the fuck is this Kylie." He said ripping the stranger off of me.
"Yo, she wanted to hook up and so I took her up here." The stranger said pushing Carl back.
Carl walked towards him and punched him in the nose and began beating the shit out of him.

Carl got up and looked at me, he stormed out of the room. I could hear him crying as he left.

I quickly got up throwing my clothes in and running after him.
"Carl!, Carl come back let me explain please, it really isn't what it looks like." I exclaimed grabbing him by the shoulder.
"WHAT KYLIE." He turned around crying tears of anger. He pulled me aside into a room.

"You made me fall in love with you, and now you wanna go about screwing other guys behind my back, Kylie what the fuck, I loved you." He said as he held his head in his hands, he began to sob.

"Carl I- I- Swear- it wasn't just me-"

"Yeah but it was still you, I don't care if you were cross faded, you still took part in it, YOU STILL FUCKING CHEATED ON ME, I don't care about anything anymore." He walked out slamming the door on the way.
I sat behind the door, sobbing at my mistakes. I still loved him too, I was just too drunk to understand this from that. Even if I tried my hardest to make him understand, I know he wouldn't care to listen.

I took a bottle of vodka off the table and going back to the room. I took slow sips until it was empty. I heard a slight knock in the door.
"What." I slurred
"Open up its debbs."
I opened the door and she walked in.
"You're a fucking mess Kylie."
She grabbed the bottle from my hand and sat next to me.
"Carl told me, I know you still love him, he's just hurt" she said running my back "but why'd you do it kylie?"
"I don't even know Debbs, I don't even know what fully happened, one minute I was getting one drink and the next I'm in the bed with some dude." I leaned so to her shoulder and started crying "I could see it, he was so hurt, I could see he was broken, Debbs, I-I never meant to, I just- it all happened so fast and I-I tried to stop, I tried to break free and kick him off, but I just couldn't." I started crying even harder.
"It'll be okay kylie, just give him time and space, I'll try to talk to him for you. I love you kylie" Debbie gave me a tight reassuring hug. I got up and wiped my tears. As soon as I opened the door everyone at the party was chatting my name, but not in the good way. Everyone was crowding around the door and everyone was throwing stuff at me spitting and yelling in my face.

"Stop, please, STOP" I yelled and yelled but the louder I yelled the louder the chanted.

I bolted out the doors bawling my eyes out. Next thing you know the crowd starts flooding out the door with me. Throughout the midst of everyone I see Carl shive his way to the front. I could tell his heart was shattered.

He got close to my face and spat in it,

I stood there for a moment in shock at what just happened, my eyes began to fill up with tears once again, he never looked so angry towards me.

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