The Quest Begins

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As Laurel was coming back home after getting Ian's birthday cake, she goes up stairs to Ian's room to talk to him, while Blazey was running around her feet. "Ian, would you like to have a piece of cake?" she was about to ask, but then sees a note attached to the bedroom door. After reading it, she enters the room and sees that it's a complete mess. "What?" she said silently. As she was picking stuff up, she notices Barley's Quest's of Yore cards that had pictures of a Phoenix Gem and the Manticore's Tavern on them. It was then she realized where the boys were heading. Laurel grabs her car keys and was about to head out the door. But when she opens the door, Cadence and Mallory were standing in front of the door, while holding Toby and Katie in their baby holders.

"Hey, Laurel, how's it going? Sorry that we're late, just thought we can get one last thing for the party tonight" Cadence said. "I'm afraid the party's off. The boys aren't here and... where's Madi?" Laurel said. "She should already be here. Do you think she went with them?" Mallory replied, concern and worry rising in her voice. "She most likely did. I'm going to go out to find them" Laurel said to them. "We'll come along too, we want to make sure our daughter is alright" said Cadence. "Of course, but there isn't enough room for you and the twins" Laurel exclaimed. "Don't worry, we'll take the van" Mallory replied. Cadence looks at her wife and said "hun, I don't think that it's a good idea to bring Toby and Katie with us. I mean, what if something happens? Let me just call a sitter real quick" Before Mallory can say anything, her wife was already on the phone with a neighbor of theirs. She sighs and looks towards Laurel. "This may take a moment" she said to her.

A few moments later, the neighbor comes to get the twins and brings them to their house. After that was taken care of, the three women go into Laurel's car and they drive their way to the Manticore's Tavern.

Time skip:

Barley was driving his van, 'Guinevere' he calls it, while Ian and Madi were in the back with Wilden. Ian was fixing an upper body for his father, while making a conversation with him. Madi watches this and smiles softly. She's happy that her friend/crush gets to (kinda) meet his dad. Even though he wasn't there fully, she was still glad. Ian was just making the finishing touches, when Madi said "you know, it looks weird with your Dad not having a top half" The elf boy chuckles and said "yea, that's why I've been making this, to make it a little easier" He shows the elf girl what he's been making, which made her giggle. It was a bunch of stuffing (I honestly don't know what was in there) and it was covered with Ian's sweatshirt, a blue vest, orange gloves, a blue cap, and some nice sunglasses. Madi blinks, realizing that she was distracted. "Oh, heh, right, I knew that" she said, clearing her throat a little."It looks very nice" she complimented. Ian smiles and places the thing down. He then moves to sit next to her. Both of them didn't say anything for a moment. Barley looks up and his rearview mirror and sees his little brother still as a board, not saying a word to his crush. When Ian notices him, Barley silently urges him to make a conversation with her. Ian looks away for a second, takes a deep breath, and turns his attention towards Madi. He looks at her and said "So, um, nice evening, isn't it?" He mentally slapped himself on that stupid question. "Yea, it's very nice" Madi replied. The awkward silence came back. Ian wanted to say something else, but he didn't know what else to say.

Ian looks back at his older brother, who urged him to continue. He gulps and continues to talk to Madi. "Um, yea, the evening is pretty nice. Nice enough to go on a drive like this" he said. "Quest, actually" Barley corrected. Madi slightly smiled and said "yea, it is. I really hope I'm not intruding. The last thing I want you guys to think is if I'm getting in your way". As she said this, she twirled a stand of her purple hair with her finger and places it behind her ear. It's a trait she does when she gets shy or nervous. It's also a trait that Ian loves the best. He was so distracted by that, he sighs out a "yea" to her. Madi widens her eyes at him. "What?" she said. Realizing what he just said, Ian exclaims "I mean no, no you're not intruding. W-What would make say something like that? I-I like you here-we like you here. I mean, why wouldn't we? You're pretty great to be around". The teenage elf felt like banging his head against a wall out of embarrassment, while the girl was staring at him, eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

Barley sees the awkward conversation going downhill. So, he decides to break the awkwardness and said "hey, what are you chit chatters up to back there?" "Oh, you know, I kinda feel weird talking to Dad without a top part so..." Ian replied, showing Barley what he did. "Oh, that's great. Dad you look just as I remembered you" he said to his father. Wilden, Ian and Madi walk up to him while Barley was saying how he wanted to show Guinivere to his father when he is fully restored. When he turns on the air conditioning on, a big gust of air shoots through, causing Wilden to be pushed back a little and Madi slightly yelping. Ian goes forward to shut it off, and manages to move to the front seat. "That's your whole list? Just showing Dad your van?" he said, taking his pen and notepad out. "What list?" Barley asks him. Madi looks at the notepad and then asks "what's that?" Ian looks back at her while he replied "oh, you know, just some things I want to do with Dad".

He then goes to show her and Barley what he has written down, and Madi couldn't help but give him a fond smile. "That's good, Ian" she said. Ian looks at her and returns the smile, causing both of them to blush slightly. "But, first off, you're gonna have to practice your magic" Barley said, handing over his Quests of Yore book to his brother. "Barley, this is just for a game" he said to him. "Yea, how's that gonna help him practice his magic?" Madi said. "It's a game based on real life. Everything is historically accurate, even the spells" the older brother said to them. Ian sighs and looks at Madi, who only shrugged her shoulders. He looks back at his father and said "okay, Dad and Madi, lets practice some magic".

Ian Lightfoot x Oc (Madison) Love Story Where stories live. Discover now