The Long Trek and Fourth Memory Revealed

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As the group traveled, they kept following the direction where the ravens were pointing. They traveled for hours, not stopping even once. At one point, thunder clouds rolled in and started pouring down rain. Ian kept Madi close, trying to cover her up as much as possible with his flannel shirt, to prevent her from getting to wet. Echo was walking beside them when she hears thunder booming overhead. She yelps and scurries onto Madi's shoulders, her body shaking in fright. The elf girl gently pets the baby dragon's head, calming her down. Ian couldn't help but smile lovingly at that moment, how gentle and caring she's being with the small animal. The elf girl senses his stare, and she turns to look at him. His eyes widen a bit, and he adverts his attention back on the trail, a blush appearing on his face.

An hour or so later, they walk up a hill to see the last stone raven pointing downwards to a large, golden circle. Barley tries to lift it up and Echo goes sniffing at it, very curious as to what it is, but Ian notices something shiny at the tip of the beak within the reflection. "Wait" he tells them. He looks at the reflection and sees where the raven is pointing at. He goes up to the statue and removes a piece from it. It was a clover shaped piece with three swirling lines and a x mark on it. "Well, what do you know. The student has become the master" Barley said to him. "Nice" Madi said, looking towards Ian with a smile. The elf boy returns the smile, and then goes to inspect the object. Madi looks at it as well and furrows her brows a little. "That looks like water" she said. The three teens look at each other, and they turn their heads towards a moving river. They follow the river to a huge cave, where the entrance was almost completely covered by vines. "What do you think the x means?" Ian asks. "Usually, on a quest, the x only means one thing. Go to the end of the water, we'll find that Phoenix Gem" Barley explained, as they entered through the cave.

When they entered, Madi picks up a torch and Ian casts a spell that emits fire and lights up the piece of wood. Once the light was on, three unicorns hissed at the three teens. They scream as the unicorns flew over their heads, exiting the cave. They calmed down after a bit and they walk through the cave, following the river while doing so. Madi brings the torch up a little a and sees a picture of a wizard carved within the rock wall. "Woah" she mutters. "Wow" Barley said, while eating a cheese puff he has in his hand. Echo starts to feel nervous about this place and she scurries onto the elf girl's shoulders. She sensed the baby dragon's uneasiness and she goes to comfort her. "Hey, hey, it's okay, Echo, you're okay" she said to her, gently stroking her cheek with her finger. Something inside her head buzzed a bit, causing her to wince and touch her head. 'What in the world?' she thought. "Is everything alright?" Ian asks her, turning around and facing her. "I-I'm fine, Echo is acting a little skittish for some reason" she replied, while Echo moves onto her arms. Ian goes to take the torch from her hand while she gets the baby dragon situated in her hold. Madi then replies "something in this cave might be bothering her. How long does this river go?" "I don't know. This water can go on for miles, and we don't have that kind of time" he replied. "If we had something to float on, we could cast a velocity spell on it and fly down on it like a magic jet ski" Barley said. "Well, there's not really much to float on" the elf girl said. "Remember, guys, when you're on a quest, you have to use what you got" the older teen said. He looks at the cheese puff in his hand and an idea came to him. A moment later, the cheese puff was boat sized and the group rides on through the river. "Excelior!" Ian said, making the puff boat go faster (honestly, I didn't know what else to call it😂). Echo grips onto Madi, who also grips onto the boat, but she still laughs it off. "This is actually kind of cool" the elf boy commented. "Yea, it totally is" the girl said. The younger brother turns to his older brother and asked "so, what other spells do you know?" "Oh, brace yourself, young mage. I know all there is to know about magic" he replied, telling Ian as well as Madi everything about magic.

As Barley teaches his younger brother different spells, Madi sat by and watched, petting Echo's head while also pondering in thought. With all this magic talk, the elf girl couldn't help but wonder. What if that feeling she has been experiencing, might have something to do with magic? It was possible, but even she wasn't too sure. She was so distracted in thought that she didn't notice the brothers going to sit back down onto the boat. Barley eats a couple pieces from the boat, making Ian chuckle. "Careful with how much boat you're eating, we still got to make it to the end of the tunnel" he said to him. "Heh, good point" the older teen said. The younger teens chuckle a bit after that comment. Madi looks over at Wilden, who was sitting comfortably and said to the boy next to her "can you believe that you are this close to finally talk to your dad" "Yea, I can't believe it either. There are so many things I want to say to him" Ian said, a smile upon his face. "You know what I'm gonna ask him? If he ever gave himself a wizard name. Since he was into magic, all wizards have cool names, like 'Alora the Majestic', 'Birdar the Fanciful' " Barley said. "Anyways, it'll be nice to have more than four memories of him" he continued.

Ian and Madi look at Barley with confused looks. "Umm, three, you only have three memories of him" the younger brother corrected. "Yea, you even said so yourself" the girl replied. "Oh, yeah" the older brother muttered. "Barley, do you have another memory of Dad that you haven't told me?" Ian asks him. "No, it's just not my favorite" he said. The younger teens looked more confused. "What do you mean?" the elf boy asks. Barley hesitates for a moment, until he felt like he was ready to tell them about that certain memory. He tells them that when Wilden was sick, Barley was supposed to go in and say goodbye to him, but with him being hooked up to all these tubes, he didn't look like himself. He got scared and he just couldn't do it. It was at that moment he decided that he was never going to be scared again. Ian and Madi gave him sad expressions, both feeling very sorry for him. Echo nudges her head against the older teen's leg in comfort as the elf girl said "I'm sorry you had to go through with that, Barley" "It's okay, Mads" he tells her. Everything was silent until a faint light appears at the end of the tunnel.

"Oh, looks like we're coming up on something" Barley said. The boat keeps going until it reaches to it's final destination, which was a dark hallway. "The final gauntlet" he said, looking towards the opening. Echo gets scared and jumps onto Madi's shoulders. The girl starts to feel her head ache, the feeling getting stronger now as it did before. Ian immediately goes to her side, placing his hands onto her arms. "Madi, are you okay?" he asks her, concern in his voice. "Yea, I'm okay" she said. "Are you sure? Cause ever since the bridge, you've been acting strange" he said. "Yea, I noticed that too" Barley said as well. Madi looks at the brothers and sighs. "Okay, well, I've been getting this strange feeling lately, a feeling inside my head. I-I don't what it is exactly. It's something that I always have, I guess, though it hasn't really brought itself up until just a few hours ago" she explained. "So, it's like a gut feeling?" Barley asks her. "Um, not exactly. I don't know how to explain it" Madi tells him. "Still, how come you didn't tell me this before?" Ian said to her. "I thought it was only a little voice in my head, but it's something more than that" she said. "Like, you might have magic too?" the older brother asks. "M-Maybe" the elf girl replied. "That's amazing, we might have another wizard in the group" Barley replied. "Possibly" she said. Ian looks at Madi and said "I'm sure we'll figure it. Whatever it is you have, I think it might be pretty cool". The elf girl blushes a bit as he said that. "Well, I don't know about that, but thanks anyways" she replied. With that being said, the group makes their way to the hallway, not knowing what lies ahead of them.

Well, Madi told the Lightfoot brothers what she's been experiencing, but what kind of feeling is it? Is she a wizard, or something else? Guess we shall wait and see. Also, I just want to give Barley a hug, because that part made me teary eyed and he deserves one😢😢
Anywho, love y'all and have a good day/night!!!

Ian Lightfoot x Oc (Madison) Love Story Where stories live. Discover now