Author's Note: Last One

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What's up, you guys! It's me, EternalFlower109. Sorry that this isn't an official chapter that you guys wanted, but I just wanna tell you guys something about the next chapter. I asked you guys whether you wanted Madi to disguise herself as well or not. Well, I've been thinking all day about it yesterday, and I've decided that I like to have Echo come out the same time Wilden does when the police officers tell them to come out. So, in other words, who do you want Madi to disguise herself as? Here's a list of options below.

Laurel Lightfoot

Cadence McClain

Mallory McClain

Random officer

One of you suggested these in the comment section from the previous chapter, and I want to thank you for your ideas. I'll publish the next chapter within a few days or so. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and have a good day/night.

P.S. This will be the last author's note in this book. The rest will be chapters filled with action, adventure, romance, and just plain ole fun from here on out! Love you guys!

Ian Lightfoot x Oc (Madison) Love Story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin