Arguing and Dancing

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The ride was extremely quiet. The silent tension filled the air around the three teens. Ian and Barley sat in the front while Madi sat in the back with Echo and Widen. The elf girl looks at the brothers, and notices them not saying a word to each other. She looks over at Ian, not saying anything. She didn't want to believe that he actually thought of his brother as a screwup, but the spell pretty much said everything. Of course, she wasn't mad at him, but she was a little peeved with him. Ian sensed her gaze on him. He turns his seat around and sees her giving him a sad smile. Madi nods her head over to Barley, silently telling Ian to talk to him. He lets out a silent sigh, turns his chair back to it's original position and starts up a conversation with the older teen. "Barley, I don't know what happened back there, but I don't think your a screwup" he said to him. Barley doesn't say a word, he just continues on driving, his eyes on the road. "Maybe the spell just got it wrong, you know" the younger brother continued. "Yea" the older brother finally said, but he turns on the radio, wanting to ignore his brother's words. "I really don't know how that happened" Ian said, speaking over the music, to which Barley turns on even louder. Ian tries to talk to him, but he keeps on ignoring him. Then, Barley turns to a road and drives up to a rest stop. He abruptly gets out of the van and goes up to a snack machine (or is it a drink machine? I don't know), with Ian and Madi following close behind him.

"Barley, come on, you have to talk to him" Madi said to him. "I'm not a screwup" Barley said. "I never said you were" Ian tells him. "Well the magic said it for you" the older brother replied. "The spell probably got it wrong" the younger brother argued. "The magic doesn't get it wrong. The cops asked a question, you answered, and then magic revealed the truth" Barley said. " Look, Barley, we don't know how any of this magic stuff works. We only found about this whole thing hours ago" Madi tells him. The older teen looks over at the elf girl and said "what about you, Mads? Do you think I'm a screwup too?" "What? Of course not, why would even think something like that?" she argued. "Yea, Barley, Madi never did say anything like that" Ian said, defending his friend/crush. "Look, all we know is that everything we've done tonight has gone wrong" he continued.

"Yeah, it's gone wrong because you guys wouldn't listen to me" Barley tells them. "Are you kidding? Because everything we've done has been your idea" Ian argued. "Well, you didn't do it my way. You didn't let me handle the Manticore, you freaked out when I talked to the sprites. All because you guys think that I don't have good ideas" Barley said. "What! Of course we do" Madi tells him. "Great, then I think we should take the Path of Peril" he tells the younger teens. "And we also think that...normally" said Ian, unsure of the idea. "See?!" Barley said.  "Okay, guys, please knock it off. Think about what's more important right now, and that's seeing your dad" Madi said to the both of them. "She's right. Right now, Dad is in there, alone and confused, and Echo probably has no idea what's going-" Ian was going to say, but he notices Barley looking behind him. Madi sees this too, so they turn around and see Wilden moving his feet to the music that was still blasting through the radio. Echo moves out of the way, so that the legs wouldn't step on her, and runs over to the elf girl, stopping right by her legs. "What is he doing?" Ian asks. "I think he can feel the vibrations of the music, and is dancing" Barley answered. The three teens watch as Wilden moves out of the van and onto a patch of grass, the top half of him falling off while doing so. "Wow, he is terrible" the younger brother commented. "I honestly have no words to say" Madi said, not wanting to be rude. "Yea, he's really, really bad" Barley replied. Then, Wilden starts dancing his way over to them, wanting them to dance along as well. "Oh boy, here he comes. No, no Dad" the older brother tried to say, but was already being dragged by his father. Wilden then comes to get Ian, who tries to say no, but ends up being dragged anyway.

Madi watches this and she couldn't help but laugh a little. To her surprise, though, Wilden comes to get her as well. "Oh no, no Mr. Lightfoot, I really don't think I should-" she tried to say, but gets dragged towards the Lightfoot brothers. She awkwardly dances along with them, not exactly much of a dancer herself. Echo tries to dance along as well, moving her front feet from side to side. Madi and the brothers watch Wilden dance along to the beat of the music, causing them to laugh a bit. "Okay, I'll admit, you're dad isn't the best dancer" Madi said. "Yea, just imagine what the top half of him looks like" Ian replied. "I bet it goes something like this" Barley said, imitating his father's top half. The teens couldn't stop the laughter from escaping their lips. Madi looks at the brothers, and was happy to see the brothers smiling and getting along well again. Then, Wilden accidentally trips and falls over on the ground.

Barley goes to help his father get back up while Ian goes to get the hand made top half. Without turning his head, the older teen said to the younger one "you know, I want to see him too". "Yea, I know" he replies. Barley then gets back up and looks at the two younger teens. "It's not fair for you to call me a screwup if you don't give me a chance to at least do something right. Just do one thing my way" he explains. Ian looks down for brief moment, then looks back at Madi, who gives him a knowing nod. "You really think this Path of Peril is the best way to the mountain?" he asks him, to which the older brother nods his head in approval. Ian mutters an okay to him and then places the top half back onto his father. Then, the rock hard music that played before had changed to a smooth, romantic kind of tune. Ian and Madi hear that, noticed how close they were, and move an foot away from each other, blushes clear on their faces. Echo, who was still next to her, begins to tug on her pant leg, pulling her towards the elf boy. "No, no, Echo, no. No tugging, no please stop" she tells her, but the baby dragon didn't listen. A sly smirk appears on Barley's face. Ian notices the look on his brother's face. "Barley, what are you-" he was about to ask. Before Ian had time to react, the older teen gently but firmly pushes him towards the girl. The younger teens crashed into one another, their arms wrapped around each other, their faces a deeper red. Echo jumps onto Barley's shoulder, chirping happily. He gently scratches underneath her chin, to which she enjoyed.

"We're gonna go and leave you two alone" Barley said to them as he carries Echo on his shoulders and pushes Wilden back over to the van. Once the three were back in the van, it was only Ian and Madi outside. The two young teens awkwardly smile at each other. "Well, um, this is uh...something" Ian said. "Yea, yea it is" Madi replied, very shyly. "W-We don't have to do anything, you know, we can just head back to the van and-" he said, sensing her nervousness. "No, no, it's fine. I don't mind, this is actually pretty nice" she said, shaking her head slightly. "Really?" he said, surprised by her answer. "Really" she said to him. The elf boy could not help but smile at her. "Uh, I'm, I'm not really much of a dancer" he tells her. "Neither am I, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?" she said. Ian couldn't believe his ears. The girl of his dreams actually wanted to attempt to dance with him. "No, it doesn't" he said, moving his hand to her own and gently grasps it, intertwining their fingers together, while his other hand remained on her waist. Very slowly, they move their feet from side to side, taking their own pace. 

Both their hearts were beating loudly out of their chests. Both couldn't believe that they were actually doing this act, under the moonlight, with the music filling their ears. Time seemed to slow down as they continued to slow dance in the night. Madi then looks up at Ian, light blue eyes meeting auburn brown. "Ian?" she said, her voice angelic to the boy's ears. "Yea?" he replied. "Back there, where the officers were, you said that I was a cutie, is that true?" she asks him. Ian laughs nervously as a blush forms on his face. "Well, I mean, you do a lot of things that I think are cute. Like the way you twirl your hair, the way you laugh, and even when you get flustered, that's also pretty adorable" he explains, not stuttering once. Madi hides her face on his chest as her face becomes red as a beet. "Okay, come on, be serious" she said, though her voice was muffled. Ian chuckles as he said "I am being serious. Those are just some of the traits I love-". He had to stop himself there, as Madi looks back up again at him. "Admire about you" he finishes. "Oh, okay" she said. The elf boy notices some of her hair was covering her face, so he gently moves it behind her ear. When he did that, though, it was at that moment that Madi and Ian did notice how close they were, their faces only inches apart. He didn't bother to remove his hand away. Instead, he softly cups her cheek, his thumb brushing smoothly against her skin. They looked into each other's eyes, seeing so much love within them. Then, they slowly start to lean in, their hearts beating twice as much and as one. This was it, this was the moment that they both been dreaming of for so long. The moment where they could both profess their love for one another. Both felt like there wouldn't be anything else to distract them. But alas, such things aren't meant to be.

Their lips were only a few centimeters apart, when suddenly, they hear a car horn being blown, interrupting their moment. Madi and Ian look behind them and they hear Barley say "sorry, sorry about that. Echo accidentally touched the horn. She didn't mean to!" Both young teens sighed as they turn to look back at each other. "That was fun" Madi said to him. "Yea, it was" Ian replied. The girl removes herself from him as she said "we should, um, we should probably get going now". "Yea, we should" he said. With that being said, they both go back to the van, their faces burning a bright red when they got in. This was the night they certainly won't forget.

Ian Lightfoot x Oc (Madison) Love Story Where stories live. Discover now