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                                                     chapter 1

Caroline nervously opened the envelope. Her hands shook and her teeth tugged at her lip with nerves. Slipping the small brown letter out she read it.

Dear Caroline Forbes,

We are ecstatic to announce that your application has been accepted for the role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Please report to the Orpheum Theater by 9:00 pm Wednesday afternoon. We can not wait to see you there.

- Cecilia Rohn

"I GOT THE PART!" Caroline shrieked while spinning in a circle with the paper clutched to her chest, "I HAVE TO PACK!" She yelled immediately running up the stairs with her hand dialing Elena.

"Elena I got the part I told you about!" Caroline said with her cellphone in between her ear and shoulder as she rummaged through her closet to look for clothing for the next 2 weeks.

"You got Juliet! That's amazing care you really deserve this."

"Thanks, Elena! I'm gonna miss you and Bonnie so much!"

"We should all meet at the grill before you go off!"

"Okay um OF COURSE! Let's all meet in an hour? Because I have to leave soon so I can get there in time."

"See you then!"


Caroline walked into the grill and a large smile spread across her face. A banner with the words "We'll miss you!"

"Awe you guys!" Caroline said, putting a hand over her heart, "you shouldn't have!"

"Of course we should have" Bonnie yelled, running over to hug Caroline in a very bear-like fashion, causing Caroline to drop her pale blue suitcases.

"I can't believe you're gonna be leaving blondie," Damon said, wrapping an arm around Elena and kissing her forehead gently. This caused Caroline to inwardly gag.

"Guys it's only for 2 weeks!" Caroline said while Bonnie let go.

"Which is why I'm coming with you!" Tyler said, beaming.


Caroline was happy that he even thought about coming. But she didn't want him to go. She wanted this experience alone. She wanted her time away from this town to be her time. Her time away from all the drama of supernatural creatures.

"Oh tyler you really don't have to." Caroline said, trying to inject as much appreciation and kindness into her voice.

"Of course I do! Besides I heard Klaus is there. And that means I can finally make him pay for everything he's done."

Of course this wasn't about her. It was about stupid revenge. That always took priority with him. He only cared about that. That emotion beat every other one.

Even her.

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