Tasting his own medicine

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Then what should i say laksh ? Are you really angry on swara ? Should i trust you ? She said disbeliefly

Mom what do you mean by it ? I can't understand ..

Laksh...the person who is always behind swara to get her slight glance , spend time with her , to speak with her... Now showing anger on her out of the blue ? Should i trust you ? I knew its all your drama ?

Mom ...i was really angry on her its not drama ...

Why are you angry on her laksh ? You really loved her right ? That's the reason you were behind her always , even after she got married to sanskar , when your wife is near you...

Don't think i were blind like others in this house...

Laksh bend his head down in embarrassment....

See i said right ? That's why my son couldn't face me ....

I feel ashamed of you laksh...just look at your face on mirror...even you will feel disguisted by your reflection...

Mom...he muttered in guilty...

Laksh..what's it all ? I can't understand you thoroughly...when i came to know you were behind swara i was hell angry on you...i feel like slapping you...but ragini stopped me...

She said its her mistake to enter into your life forcefully...she made me understand the value of relationship... She tried her best to stop me i'm not convinced though...finally she asked me to promise on her...that's why i kept quite all the while...

Though i warned you laksh indirectly...whenever i saw you with swara... But u are in your own world not ready to listen me...ragini left you finally when she understood she was living with an stone these many days...

Mom laksh  said in shock

I knew whatever happened between you...don't misunderstand that ragini shared this all to me...i supposed to cross this room so i heard her confessing these all to her mom picture...

Mom he again muttered in deep guilt...

I badly wanna stop her going but later i thought , its good for her leaving you...atleast she will get an good life and family she deserved...you are not worth to get her in your life laksh...

Mom are you trying to justify her wrong deeds ?

No laksh i'm not...

Just tell me whom didn't commit mistake in this house ?

Didn't you break her engagement twice ? Didn't you used her for your selfishness ? Didn't you betrayed her by proposing her step sister ?

Didn't you laksh ? Are you trying to say its all good thing ?

Not at all...the pain you got right ? When u failed to marry swara...exactly same pain went thtough by ragini when you put ring on swara hand... There you gave her rights to someone else...

Laksh heart pinched hearing it...he could feel it from her position

Ok lets push it aside..what have you done next ?

She thought even after marriage you will change...but you were behind swara on that time too... You were hurt right ? Seeing swara with sanskar ?

Same pain went through by ragini whenever you take swara name instead of her name...

Laksh closed his eyes...tears followed his cheeks made it wet...its paining him a lot...he is feeling her pain now ...he never thinked from her position...always his emotions came first...he was blind to see her pain and tears .. ...

Will u give me a second chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora