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-Lucas Apartment-
Ruby POV

It's around 8 in the morning and I'm lying next to my queen playing with her hair, with her face towards me.

She is so beautiful, loving, kind, graceful, sexy, and badass... when she needs to be. I laugh at the thought of her saying not to use and I quote 'crass language'. She hates and I mean hates swearing unless it's one of her favorite songs

How could anyone not love her?, How could her parents not want her? she is such an amazing person just the thought makes me fucking pissed.

I remember when we were younger she would sometimes cry for her parents. There would be times where she believed that there was something wrong with herself, that it was her fault that they gave her away. So the times like this I reassure her that it wasn't and they missed out on having someone great in their life.

Being the sweet person she is, she can't pull herself to hate them. That's one of her downfalls always believing the best in people even though they're horrible, although it is one of the many things I admire about her. Plus she has me so set those other evil mother fuckers in the world straight.

As for me, I hold a lot of anger towards her parents and she knows it. Because even though they're not in her life they still manage to hurt her. If there ever is a day she finds her parents there gonna hear it from me, they're going to hear how fucked up they are for abandoning her.

I have a pretty good memory when it comes to spending time with Reina even from when I was two.

When granny took her at the moment I saw her she became a part of me and I'm proud to say that I'm selfish to let her go, me and Granny. She's our whole world, we revolve around her even if she doesn't know it.

As we grew older the more inseparable we became, our love became stronger.

 True love. 

Some people might say, as do I and true love doesn't have labels so we never paid attention to what those homophobic assholes say they all can go shove it.

 Granny was always there to defend us, to tell those old fart heads to drop dead. She acted as if we were celebrities and she was our big superfan, she even came up with a ship name red queen it's cute and true.

After Reina and I got married we moved out and got our own apartment. We still see granny almost every day since Granny owns her own diner. So we go help out when we can or we just go visit her and spend family time.

I help waitress, while Reina sings. Her voice is hypnotizing, when we go she always attracts more customers it's like they're in a trance or spell. Every time she sings everyone stops what they're doing and just listens.

When we're not at the diner my queen and I are running our bar called a total eclipse. Mostly on the weekends, but today we decided to help granny since it's Thursday.

Checking my phone I notice that it's close to nine so I decided to wake my beautiful queen. I place a peck to her forehead, nose then to her lips, to which she responds so I know
She's awake.

"Good morning baby." I say as she opens her eyes.

"Good morning babe." She said in her sexy morning voice. 

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