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Reina POV

-3 Months Later-

Now working full time at Queens Gallery has been amazing. Emma and Regina have done everything in their power to make sure that I felt welcome. They even went as far as giving me my own office, with a great view, which connected to there's. 

After three months of working here, I've noticed some changes

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After three months of working here, I've noticed some changes. For starters, the building has always had security. Now every corner I turn there's a giant man statue guarding, strapped with a gun. Come to find out, Emma and Regina also carry weapons on their person.  I would be lying if I were to say it didn't keep me a little on edge.

My apartment building is just as heavily guarded, also finding out that my bosses not only are currently staying there but they own the damn building. 

Emma took the liberty of assigning me, two personal bodyguards. Saying that it would help her sleep better knowing I was protected. Surprisingly, Ruby was more on board with the idea. Only telling me to let her know if either of them decided to get getting handsy, which was not the case. She would kick their throat in, I believe her, that's only because I've seen her do it. 

Regina, Emma, and I have gotten close they have become someone I can look up to. Although our work relationship is great, their whole persona changes with every other co-worker. They become cold, distant, not a single trace of any emotion. As if not wanting to seem vulnerable in any way, yet they're still respected, respect as if it was out of fear. 

The only downfall about myself working here is that sadly, my red knight and I aren't able to spend most of our time together like we used to. Between work here and the nightclub, we both arrive home exhausted. My poor baby can't even come to work with me as we had planned, yet with our crazy schedules, we still try to fit our us time. Which makes it even more special. 

I was signing paperwork when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver and answered in my most professional voice.

"Hello, this is Reina Lucas speaking"

"Fuck baby, you keep answering the phone like that I'm gonna have to make you my personal 900 numbers" I could already feel the warmness rush into my cheeks. (If you don't know what that is you're too young lol -A)

"Ruby! you cant say things like that, our conversations are recorded"

"Well it's not my fault you have a voice of a seductress" 

"yeah yeah, is there a reason you called, Mrs.Lucas? your wife has very important work she has to get done" I teased. I began toying with the line cord around my finger.

"I didn't know I needed a reason to call my wife and here I thought she'd be missing me" 

"Oh trust me, Mrs.Lucas, you have no idea how much she misses you, in more ways than just one." I heard her breathing hitch. I grinned, enjoying this little game.

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