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^The Swanmills mansion^
(20 years ago part 2)

Regina POV

—The Hospital–

The door to my room busted open and in barged in my father, Emma's dad David, our son who is fast to sleep in David's arms. My sister Zelena with her husband Robin and their little girl, baby Robin.

Along with our right-hand commands, Neil and Lilith, with their parents then followed by our mothers. Everyone comes and surrounds us around the bed and I start to hear a bunch of awes and cute compliments about my sweet angel.

Looking around the room at all the people I love the people that I call family. I know my daughter will be cherished like a true queen.

"Regina." My father said in his deep Spanish accent.

 "Si papa." I answer. (Yes dad)

"Estás Bien Mija," He said. (are you okay my daughter)

"Si papa, I'm ok I'm just happy," I say with a big smile on my face he smiles back. (Yes dad)

"So Puedo cargar mi nieta." He said while holding out his arms. (so can I carry my granddaughter)

 "Of course" I place Reina in his arms.

 "Estas muy Hermosa mi mariposa, I promise to kick anybody's ass that comes near you." I laugh at my father's protectiveness he was and still like that with zel and me when we were younger. (you are beautiful my little butterfly)

"Ok Lorenzo Stop hogging her and let me hold my granddaughter, we all know I'm going to be her favorite grandpa." David says flattening out his suit, my dad scoffs.

 "Please don't flatter yourself, David we all know I'm going to be her favorite." My dad says giving David the baby.

"Dad, Lorenzo, she will love you both very much but as for her favorite, she'll have to decide." Emma said while looking at our daughter lovingly.

Yet to my dad and David, it's like she just triggered a competition. They literally have serious faces on and just shook hands.

"All right enough you guys cause her favorite auntie wants to hold her." Zelena says while rolling her eyes. I swear she just adds fuel to the fire because Lilith starts complaining. All this arguing on who is the favorite is really getting on my nerves.

 "Enough she will love each and every one of you, now please shut your trap you're giving me a headache" I sigh frustratingly.

"You know she only has to tell you once because if I do I won't be so nice." Emma says in a serious tone.

Everyone immediately shut up. God, that was so hot if we weren't surrounded by family and I didn't just give birth I would have totally pounced on her right here and now.

As if Emma read my mind she winked at me.

 "Well then, change of subject when should the coronation of our little queen be?" my wife asked.

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