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Reina's POV

I was trapped. My body was being my coffin. I tried so hard to move. To speak. To let my Ruby or anyone know that I was still here yet I couldn't.

Like a light switch, I began listening to a voice I've been yearning to hear.

"She came back to us."

I began grasping at the two hands that I felt were in mine, desperate for any type of interaction. Was this even real though? Was she actually here? Is this my heaven or my eternal hell? Having to spend the rest of eternity in the dark.

My eyes finally opened, thankful that the room was dim. My sight settled on the most beautiful pair of green eyes I thought I'd never see again. Ruby. My Ruby.

"Y-yes it's me I'm truly here baby. It's Ruby y-your Ruby."

Relief flooded through me. I didn't care she heard what I said I cared that she did hear me, that she was truly here. I immediately reached out towards her only to regret my actions. A punishing pain was piercing the entire left side of my body.

"Careful Mija! You're still healing." A new voice said as they gently laid me back down. (Daughter)

My focus is still on my Ruby, before I could speak she placed a cup of water to my lips. To which I greedily drank from, finishing it within seconds. Memories of what happened came rushing back so I shifted my vision to the person drying my mouth, I took a hold of her trembling hands ceasing her actions. She visibly tensed as I gave her a once over.

"Your okay." I verified. My voice was low and raspy but still manageable to hear.

Regina latched herself on to me in a tight hug although not tight enough to hurt my wounds.

"Non hai idea di quanto ci sei mancato tutti." She cried. (you have no idea how much we all missed you)

I wrapped my tiny arms around her, enjoying the warm feeling it brought. I looked at Ruby who was giving me an encouraging smile. Normally if this was ANYONE but her or granny she would've yanked them off by their hair, something is up.

Regina's loud sobs had turned into quiet sniffles, she slowly pulled away.

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for and as weird as it may sound, your hugs feel nice." Regina and Ruby gave a small chuckle making me smile. It went as quickly as it came when realization started to dawn on me.

The beeping to my heart monitor began to increase along with my heart. My eyes started to well with tears, my breath became short and fast.

"Reina! Mija! Breathe!" (Daughter)

"Baby! What's wrong!"

"E-Emma! w-w-where is she!? w-what h-happened to h-her!?"

My prayers were answered when Emma busted through the door, tightly holding a scared Dr.S by the collar of his lab coat.

"Get your ass in there and do your god damn fucking j-" Emma's threats were cut off short to the helpless doctor, seeing me wide awake.

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