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-The Hospital-

Unknown POV

It was late in the night. I made sure that no one was around and slipped into the dark hospital room.

The sound of running water came from behind the bathroom door. Giving me the advantage to spend a few more extra minutes with my спящая красавица. (sleeping beauty)

Even if she did look sickly pale, she still looked beautiful as ever. Her small frame seemed to glow like the night sky that seeped through the window, showering her with its light.

I take her hand in mine, inwardly cringing at how cold her skin is. I hesitantly raised my other hand to stroke the left side of her cheek.

A strange overwhelming feeling crept up on me and sat heavily on my chest. I intake a deep amount of air trying to compose my exhilarating heartbeat.

"This wasn't supposed to be our first meeting. I wasn't supposed to meet you here lying lifeless. Almost lifeless. So still, it's fucking terrifying. Having to hear a god damn machine tell me your living or dying. I had made a promise to myself and to you, I would protect you and I failed." I placed her hand on my beating heart.

"But I promise you this, I'm going to try harder. I'm going to find whoever did this to you, мой сладкий цветок. I will make them pay with every once of their blood. I will make them beg at my feet for mercy. I will make them scream for death while I bask in their suffering. Since the moment I saw you, you've infected my heart and mind like a plague. Making your way into the deep crevices of me that I never knew existed. You may not know me now but there will be a time and a place where all our secrets will unfold. Were mine will unfold. I won't ever stop fighting for you. We will have the future we were always meant to have. Together." (My sweet flower)

I gently let go of her hand. I pull out a white rose from my suit jacket, kissed it lightly, and placed it on the nightstand next to her. The sound of running water ceased telling me it was time to go.

"I'm so sorry, мой сладкий цветок." (My sweet flower)

I carefully leaned over, connecting my lips to her plump ones.

"Скоро увидимся." (I'll see you soon)

I hurried to the door, silently leaving the building.

Ruby POV

After a much-needed shower, I quickly got dressed not bearing another second away from my Reina. Wrapping my damp hair in a messy bun, I take a glance at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were bloodshot red, puffy with disgusting bags underneath. Purple hues from lack of sleep and the constant crying. Until she's awake, safely tucked in my arms, I won't.

I won't sleep till I see her eyes are open, full of life. I won't stop crying to see her beautiful smile, to hear her angelic voice, to hear her say my name, to hear her say those three little words that mean so much.

I removed the uncomfortable scratchy hospital blanket from around her waist, replacing it with her favorite silk one.

I sat at what has become my usual spot, at her side, enterlacing my fingers with hers.

"I'm back. Finally took that shower, hope I didn't take too long. It got pretty lonely." Playing with her raven hair I gave a humorless laugh.

Tears pricked my eyes once again at the no response. I let out a shaky breath.

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