Chapter 25

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Phoenix stood in front of the full body mirror. She smoothed the white fabric adorning her body. Her fingers grazing the lace fabric. Her ring glimmering as she did so.

Her mother stepped behind her fixing the soft curls that were pulled into a messy updo. Adding the floor length veil onto her head.

"You look absolutely beautiful Phoenix,"

She turned and smiled at her mother. "Thank you,"

"Are you ready?" She asked taking her hands.

"Yes, I am so happy right now!" Phoenix said. The smile never leaving her face.

Her mother hugged her as she led her out to the big mahogany double doors. Her father was waiting patiently for her.

"You ready?" He asked taking her arm as her mother handed her the bouquet of white roses.

Phoenix nodded her smile growing. Soon the music began to play in the other side of the doors.

The doors opened and at the end of the white aisle stood Calum. His eyes immediately landed on her. He looked as if he were weak at the knee.

Phoenix walked down the aisle with her father on her arm and the bouquet in her hand. Everyone stared in awe as she walked.

When the reached the end of the aisle, the pastor spoke up.

"Who gives this young woman to this young man?"

Her father stepped forward. "Her mother and I do,"

He kissed Phoenix in the cheek and went to sit with her mother. Phoenix turned to Calum as she took his outstretched hand.

"You look so beautiful," He whispered.

"Thanks, you look handsome." She giggled.

The pastor began speaking. He finally turned to Calum. "The bride and groom have decided to write their own vows. Calum?"

He took a deep breath as he turned to her.

"Phoenix, you are the light of day. You brought me out of a dark place that I didn't think I could get out of. You dug me out of the 10 for hole I had myself in and I can't thank you enough for that. You have an amazing personality. You will always have a place in my heart that no one can replace. You gave me a life I never thought I would have. After all that we have been through, I know now that what we have is and always will be, unbreakable."

Tears were running down her face. Calum smiled as he wiped her teas away from her face.

"I love you," He said

"I love you too." She hiccuped.

Phoenix smiled at him as she pulled out her vows.

"Calum, you taught me the importance of moving on. To not live in the past. You took away the fear I lived my daily life in. You gave me something I never thought I would achieve ever again. You have changed my life for the better. Having you in my life has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will be so pleased to call you my husband, to grow old with you, start a family and take on whatever life will throw at us. I wouldn't be able to live my life without you. I love you so much and I will never stop."

Calum smiled tears were pricking at his eyes. Phoenix looked behind him and saw Michael wiping his eyes.

"Don't cry now Clifford,"

Everyone laughed as Michael looked back at her. Giving her a smirk. "Carry on," He motioned.

After exchanging rings, the pastor smiled at the both of them. "I know pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Calum took Phoenix in his arms and dipped her backwards as he connected their lips. "I love you," He mumbled agains her lips.

"I love you too," She smiled into the kiss.

"Now you are mine forever,"

"And I always will be Cal,"

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