Chapter 17

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"This isn't possible," Calum said, "you're dead,"

Phoenix squeezed his hand. "I see her too," she whispered.

Callie stepped forward, "It's me babe,"

Calum recoiled from her. "What is going on?!"

"I faked my death,"

Callie stood in the empty airport with them. She looked just as she did before she died.

"Why? Why would you do that?" Calum asked.

"The fans, and the fame. The hate had gitten worse and I couldn't handle it anymore."

"You could have come to me! Told me!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I came up with this idea."

Phoenix stayed quiet as she stood there her and Calum's hands still clapsed together.

"So what would that be?" Calum was getting angrier by the second.

"I faked my death so that way everyone would leave me alone. I changed my identity and moved to Seattle. My family knew, but I needed to get away. After a while, the fans forgot all about me, and it is wonderful,"

"You made me sit by your bedside for months! I spent 3 months waiting for you! I loved you!"

"I know, and now that I have this new identity, we can be together again."

"Callie, I may have loved you once, but my heart belongs to Phoenix."

He stared down at Phoenix amd gave her a small smile.

"I love her,"

Callie looked shocked, she stared at the couple in front of her.

"Babe, we had everything."

"And you threw it away!" Calum retorted.

Callie had tears streaming down her face.

"Cal, babe please,"

He shook his head as he held onto Phoenix and began guiding her out of the abandoned airport. They found keys and unlocked a set of doors and left.

They hailed a cab and drove back to the tour bus. The ride was silent. Calum had to figure things out. How it all happened. Why it all happened. Did he deserve this?

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