Chapter 1

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It wasn't your average love story. This was different. Calum knew that dating Callie would be different. She was a fan nobody famous or anything special. But to Calum, she was everything.

"Cal, babe where are my boots?!" Callie called down the stairs of their shared house. Calum smirked, "Which ones? You have like 20 pairs!" Callie rolled her eyes as she began walking down the stairs. "Ha ha very funny Hood." she remarked.

"C'mon, I'm just playing with you." Calum said looking as innocent as he could. "Sure you are." Callie stood on her tiptoes and ruffled his dark hair. Messing up his streaks. "Where are you going anyway?" Callie stopped looking for her boots and looked at him. "I told you I have to go to work."

Calum's face dropped. "But, it's my last day until I leave." Callie could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. "I know," She whispered slightly. "I can't say no. I'm sorry." She finally located her boots and pulled them on. wiping the stray tears from her face, she stood up grabbing her purse, phone, and keys.

Calum's eyes were focused on the floor. "Babe? You alright?" She asked. He shook his head refusing to make eye contact. She lifted his face so his eyes met hers. "I'm going to miss you like crazy, but I have to deal with it. I know you wanted to spend the day with me. But, it's only til noon, then I'm all yours." She said with a smirk.

He looked down at her. Her beautiful green eyes looking at him. "Okay, promise to be back as soon as you can?" He asked a little too eager. "Promise," Callie chuckled.

Calum pulled her into a tight hug and smashed his lips to hers. After a few seconds Callie broke the kiss. "Okay, calm yourself I gotta go." Calum groaned. "I'll be back before you know it. I promise." With that she closed the front door of the house and Calum was all alone.

Callie got into her car and broke down. This was the first time Calum was going to be on tour for this long. She wanted to be brave for him. But she didn't know how much more she could take. She was already receiving hate and Calum didn't know a thing.

She loved Calum to death. But she didn't know what else to do.

Callie drove up the mountain a few miles away from the house. She parked right at the look out point. She pulled out a note pad and a pen and began to write.


I'm so sorry, it wasn't supposed to be like this. I am not supposed to be with you. Let's face it. Your meant to be with someone with money and fame, not a nobody like me. I know what people say about me. This is for the best. I'm worthless anyway.

I love you,


She placed the note underneath her windshield wiper and walked closer to the cliff. She looked to see if anyone was around. She hauled herself over the guard rail. Holding on tightly, looking at the ground below she sighed.

She closed her eyes and began to let her fingers loosen her grip on the rail.

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