Chapter 7

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"So how's it been going with Phoenix?" Luke asked as he set some pizza in front of Calum. He shrugged, "I don't really know, I guess it's good. I've never done anything like this before,"

Luke nodded. Ashton soon walked into the room. "There he is! What's up?" the same response as before came from Calum. Ashton's smile faded, he looked at Luke, silently asking him what happened. He just shook his head.

"You've barely touched your pizza Cal," Michael said, while grabbing another slice. Calum continued to stare blankly at the pizza. Thoughts were rushing through his mind about what happened at the office.

"Cal, you okay?" Luke asked. Calum nodded. "Sorry, I was just thinking," Luke nodded. "How about a movie?" Calum looked up and smiled. "Yeah,"

Luke went to the DVD player and pulled out School of Rock. Michael and Ashton situated themselves next to Calum. Luke came over with the remote and some popcorn and sat on the chair next to the couch.

Calum sat throughout the movie becoming lost in his thoughts. He wanted to know why Phoenix dedicated her career to helping people just like her, but she didn't solve her own problems.

She needed someone that could help her just as she has been doing for him. He wanted to help her. It was the least he could do, right?

After the movie Calum grabbed his phone and dialed her number. After the second ring, she picked up.

"Dr. Collins," She sounded as if as had been crying. He knew she had been. "Hey, Dr. Collins it's Calum," There was a small pause. "Hi Calum, what can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted help?" She hesitated. "With what?" She asked obviously puzzled.

"I know you've gone through something just like me, and it's hard, but you can't go on like this. You im help people with the same problems as you but you don't address your own. I could help, just like you said, it's good to get it out."

Phoenix smiled on the other end. "Thank you, but I have to be strong. My clients rely on that. I can't be an emotional mess 24/7."

Calum realized something, "You're just like Callie," It hurt him to say her name. "You stay strong for everyone around you, but when your alone, you can't help it. Trust me, you can't do that for the rest of your life."

Phoenix smiled, no client had ever done anything like this for her before. None of them even realized she had first-hand experience with it. "Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll see you Wednesday, yeah?"

"Yeah," Calum replied. He hung up the phone and sighed.

He realized that if she kept it in, just as Callie did, it would end up killing her.

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