Chapter 3

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Calum rushed into the hospital. "Callie Reed? What room?" He said frantically. The woman at the front desk was on the phone and she held up her index finger. Calum slammed his hand on the front desk.

"What room?!" He screamed. Te woman put the phone on hold. "Sir, please calm down and I'll give you the room number." Calum nodded. "Sorry I'm just worried about my girlfriend." The woman nodded as she looked up the room. "Room 614, sixth floor." Calum smiled apologized again for his behavior and rushed up to the elevator hitting the button frantically.

When he reached the sixth floor he ran through the halls until he found Callie's room. He burst through the door. The doctor looked up at him. Calum looked to see he sleeping form on the bed. He rushed over to her.

The doctor spoke up. "Who are you?" Calum stopped stroking her hair and looked up. "I'm her boyfriend please tell me, is she going to be alright?" The panic in his tone was evident. The doctor nodded.

"Well, the fall was not high, but it did cause damage. She hit her head fairly hard. She has a fractured wrist and a few broken ribs. The damage to her head is still undetermined. We aren't sure when she'll wake up. For now, we've determined she's in a coma. It could be days, weeks, or even months until she comes back." Calum nodded. Tears rushing down his face. "Thank you." He whispered. The doctor nodded and left.

"Oh Callie," Calum sighed. "What happened? Why did you do this? You could've told me. I would've helped you." He held her hand tightly. "Please babe, Don't go." After an hour, the rest of the boys came to check on Calum.

"Hey, what's going on?" Ashton asked quietly. "She's in a coma." Calum blankly stated not looking up. His eyes were blood shot and his hair was disheveled from running his hands through it so often. "How are you?" Michael asked. "What do you think?!" Calum said harshly. "The love of my life is in a coma! How do you think I am!?" Michael backed up a little. "Cal, he's just trying to help." Luke said.

He shook his head, the tears beginning to spill once again. "I'm sorry," He squeaked. "I don't know what else to do." Ashton placed a hand in his shoulder. "I'll call management, the tour is cancelled." None of the boys protested, they knew even if the tour continued, Calum would not go.

Calum just nodded. He didn't know what else to do.

His world was falling apart.

He didn't know where to start picking up the pieces.

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