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Aquilina looks down and that's how we know I was right. Never I'd thought she was going to get married - not with that face, I mean.

- Yes. - She confirms. - It's my wedding. And in case you haven't got the picture yet, I only have a few more days to crash it! This merman I'm getting married to is a blowfish! Besides, he's not a regular merman as we know...

- He's human, isn't he? - Will asks.

She nods in agreement. Dear lord, where did I put myself into? 

- I need your help to crash the wedding. I need you to make it look like he's not so willing to marry me after all. Loo, you don't understand. When I said I wanted to become human, this wasn't the way, at all. Human yes, married no. A huge no!

I could see she was scared, more than she seemed to be. Marriage is big, too big for her. I don't know what age she is nor the ocean's protocols for it, but I know a person shouldn't be getting married for obligation. Only for love.

- What would we gain with that? - Chris asks. Always the same that girl. 

- I can give you powers. - Aquilina surprises us. - The ability to control water the way you want it - ice, fire, air, jelly and magma.

Our mouths open to the floor. Powers? As in... Real powers? Only the idea of being able to manipulate the water gave me chills. But, it could be fun and real interesting. I knew I had to see if the girls would want that kind of responsibility, I mean it's more than enough of trouble to hide our tails already, imagine hiding that from the people.

- Prove it. - Diane speaks, at last. - Prove you can do that.

Aquilina rolls her eyes and turns around. Aegeus asks to concentrate in Aquilina's hands. All of a sudden, Aquilina pulls what it seems to be a water bubble from the sea - air. "That's impossible", Will whispers in my hear, surprised. I knew many things were impossible - genies were impossible - but, when you have a tail, you have to believe a little more. After grabbing the water with no effort - or so it seems - she changes its form, makes it a seashell with only one movement from her hand and then, with another, makes it glassy. It hits the sand. I reach for it. The feel of it was remarkable. It felt glassy but also watery, there's no way to explain how it feels, but it's certainly surreal - jelly.

- I'm in, as long as you do the same for Will, since he's helping. - I say.

- We're in too. - Chris says grabbing the seashell from my hand. - What do you want us to do?

Aquilina smiles.


After swimming for a while, I was starting to get tired. It was too far from the cost and we weren't going to where we first met, we were going far deeper in the ocean. The girls looked tired as well, maybe it's because we're half human, as Aquilina says we are. By the way, she's back to the ugly form. I knew I liked her better that way. 

- We're almost there. - Aegeus says.

I roll my eyes and try to swim a bit faster so that I can accompain their rithm. The girls do the same and smile at me. I missed hanging out with them in the ocean but, I was always too busy with classes and work. I don't understand how they manage their time so well. We arrive to what it looked like a small cafeteria, only underwater. We swim in and sit on the rocks that give the look of chairs. I admit it, I was pretty comfortable there. Aquilina gets us drinks - yes, they looked like potions - and Aegeus gets us shrimp. 

- Ok. I have a plan. I need one of you to seduce him. - Aquilina says. - That way he'll agree to go back to the human world and leave me alone, therefore the wedding will be off.

Coral Blue (BOOK 1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now