- Cousin? - Lotte repeats what Chris said. - What do you mean with cousin?
  - Cousin as in I'm his uncle's daughter... Is it hard to understand? - Chris states.
  God, she really is annoying. She looks really pissed-off. Will, on the other hand, looks like someone just told him he had a bad grade in a subject. I feel so embarassed, right now. I should never have thought things like that. I mean, why was I caring if I have only met him recently? I'm being so stupid.
  - Look Mel, I'm sorry if I made you believe I had someone. - Will apologizes - I wouldn't have asked you out if I had someone. I swear to you.
  I accepted his apology and apologized myself as well. I didn't have the right to feel that way when I didn't know him. He didn't deserve that behavior from me. Lotte was right, I have to risk myself, I need to get to know people before I misjudge them.
  - Alright, so I'll see you next week. - I tell Will and turn to the spot I was before.
  - Loser. - I hear Chris saying.
  I turned to face her again. Did she just called me loser? I don't know her but she got on my nerves. She's about to hear somethings from me.
  - Look, Chris, you don't like me, I don't give a crap about that. But it's time for me to tell you how it works around here. - I state really mad.
  Lotte's eyes are wide open so are Will's. I'm not the kind of girl who starts a fight or gets into one or sticks her nose into one but, this time, I woke up in a really bad mood and she was there being mean. Guess what, she laughed after I said that.
  - I don't care what you have to say, Melanie or whatever your name is. I told you I wasn't interested in knowing you before and right now, after what you and your friend just thought this situation was, I feel sick just being around you. - Chris said to me.
  - Hey, wash your mouth before you speak to my sister like that. - Lotte intervened. - You have no right to speak to her like that. What are you now, a baby? If you don't want to be welcomed to this city, fine, don't be. Stop being rude all the time and get out of my sight.
  I never saw Charlotte getting into a fight like that. To be honest, I never saw her fighting or being rude to anyone. I'm shocked, to be honest. She turned away and I rushed after her. I tried to apologize for what just happened, but she rushed out of the beach saying she wanted to go home and that I should stay. She knows how much I love the beach. So I stayed and went for a swim, regardless there was a Will there or not. All I cared about was the sea.
  As I dig in the water and swim through the waves, I see something shinning when the sun was hiting. I swim a bit deeper and grab it. It was a bracelet. I never saw one as pretty and different as that one, looked like it was especially handmade. It had blue and green tones on it, it kind of reminded me of the sea itself. I come up to breathe and have a better look at it. Besides the colors, it had some sort of "gold powder" on it and one single pendant: a tear drop in shades of dark blue. It was beautiful.

(Later that day)

  - I've never seen a bracelet like this before. It really looks handmade.
  I took the bracelet to the lost and found of our city to see if the owner knew to whom it could belong. The owner, Mr. Erikson, knows everything about people, and I mean everything.
  - Sorry kid, I can't help you this time. It's the first time I see that bracelet and it looks old. Maybe some tourist lost it while swimming at the beach. Why don't you keep it? - Mr. Erikson asks.
  - No, I couldn't possibly. I mean, it belongs to someone else, I'd feel bad using something that wasn't mine. - I told him.
  He smiled.
  - Melanie, don't you think that if the owner of the bracelet really wanted it, he would've came back to get it? - He pointed out - I mean, any responsible person would have. Keep it.
  And just like that, I kept the bracelet. It was really beautiful and it fited my wrist just perfectly. If someone would ever come to find this bracelet, I'd give her up in a heartbeat, that's how responsible I am.
  I decide to go for a coffee before I meet Charlotte at the mal, just like we settled and I ended up meeting Diane there. Diane was probably the only good friend I ever made since I was born. She's simply fantastic. We stood there talking a little and she got her eyes on my bracelet quite a few times.
  - Mel, that's beautiful. Where did you get it? - she ended up asking.
  - Oh, this? - I pointed - I found it while swimming at the sea this morning.
  - Wow, a lost and found? It's really pretty.
  It definetely was. Anyways, I ended up inviting Diane to come with me and Charlotte to the new ice-cream shop since they seem to get along well. It was a fun afternoon and the ice-cream was great. But the best part was definitely being able to hang out with my favorite people in the whole world.
  Charlotte dropped Diane at her house and we went for a nocturnal walk. In summer, it is very usual for us to see fireflies, they make the night less scary and prettier. She has to work again tomorrow, it sucks.
  - Lotte, what would you think about me getting a part-time job? - I asked.
  - What? - Lotte asks surprised.
  - Yeah, a part-time job. I could save some money to fly to London again to visit mom and it would be nice not to see Irina's face all the time around the house.
  We laughed. We both hate that woman so hard.
  - Well, seems like a great idea to me. They're asking for people at the Smith's cafeteria, maybe you're lucky and they give you the job. Why don't you apply for an interview tomorrow? - she asks.
  - That'd be a great idea.

Coral Blue (BOOK 1) ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant