- Wow, it's really cold here. - Diane said.
  We were finally in the so-called cave Will mentioned. She was right, it was cold. The cave didn't have much lighting inside but enough for us to see that it looked like the inside of a vulcano. The tunel we came in isn't the only entrance to the cave but it's probably the one who won't fall apart soon. The wall structure was all made of rock and the ceiling, looking like the shape of a cone had cristals on it. It was stunning but scary at the same time. Why the hell would Will come here? The water tunel was much more beautiful than this.
  - Alright Mel... We've seen what you wanted - Diane said - Can we go now?
  As I was about to answer, someone was coming through the water tunel. Is that...
  - Chris?! - I shout, atonished.
  She looks at us, surprised, obviously, but no more than us. When Will told me that he and Chris have been there, I didn't think she was fool enough to come back. It was just a coincidence that the three of us were in there at the same time.
  - What are you doing here? - she asks mad.
  - We could ask you the same thing. - Diane says. - We came to explore this, we were just about to leave.
  Diane dives into the "lagoon" that leads to the water tunel and I follow her. The moment the three of us are in the water, something happens. Something underneath us pulled us down, deeper in the water. We couldn't see because inside the lagoon, there wasn't much light either. It wouldn't stop! I knew I'd lose consciousness soon and I didn't stop fighting it, I tried to hold my breath as long as I could but it was hopeless. Before I knew it, I passed out.

  (The next morning)

  - My head... - I hear Chris saying.
  It's cold. The weather is cold. How is that possible? I don't remember being this cold for a few years at least. I open my eyes. I'm not home! I'm... Where am I?
  - Girls! Where the hell are we? - I hear Diane asking.
  I tried to get up. I figured where we were, Sky Beach, only we were on the hidden part of it.
  - We're near my place... Did we spent the night out? - I asked confused.
  - To be honest, I don't remember anything after the lagoon. - Diane answers.
  - How can I possibly be with you two? - Chris asks, mad, as usual - I don't remember accepting an invitation to spend the night with you two!
  Before I could stop what was about to happen, it occurs to me that I didn't warn my family. And I didn't have the phone with me.
  - Girls! I didn't bring the phone with me!! Did you brought yours? - I ask.
  They both looked in their pockets and they couldn't find theirs.
  - We're in big trouble!
  - Ok, let's get out of here. We need a shower and to eat. I'm starving. - Diane states.
  - We have to climb the rocks. We can't go through the water again, I don't know where to get in to get to the other beach. - Chris says.
  The idea of climbing those dangerous rocks where many accidents happened, wasn't for my liking but I didn't have much choice. We climbed, safely and we ran to my house. Chris came too, I felt responsible for the three of us spending the night without any warning. As soon as I open the door, I hear Irina shouting my name and Lotte comes to hug me as well as my dad.
  - Where were you girls? We were worried sick! - Lotte says.
  - Do you girls have any idea of how bad this is? If you didn't show up this morning, I'd have to call the police! - My dad says. - I was worried sick about you Melanie. Don't do this ever again. - He hugs me tight.
  I apologize for the three of us and Diane's parents were here too. After we all granted our safety, we went upstairs to take a shower.
  - Boy, I thought my mom was going to kill me! - Diane says - She almost ripped my hair off!
  I laughed as she falls onto my bed. Chris is looking around my bedroom. My bedroom is nothing special, the walls are in tones of blue with a handmade collage of seashells I collected from the beach. I also have some pictures hanged of my family and my friends. Besides that, it's just a normal bedroom.
  - Your room is nice. - She compliments.
  - Thanks. So, who's the first to take a shower?
  As I ask this and Diane and I start a discussion on how many pictures of us are hanged on the walls, I notice Chris picking up my bracelet.
  - Where did you get this? - She asks while picking it up.
  - Oh, that? I found it on the beach the other day. It was in the sea actually.
  - That's impossible.
  - Why is that impossible? I'm telling you that I found it there.
  She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.
  - You're lying.
  What? Seriously?
  - I'm not going to discuss this with you. Believe what you want.
  - It's impossible because I have one just like this. - And she shows her wrist. - It was my grandmother's. It was especially handmade for her.
  Creepy. It really was handmade. This one was in tones of red and bright pink. The teardrop was exactly the same with the gold powder and all. How is this possible?
  - I'm not going to say how creepy this is but it can only be a coincidence. Maybe someone had one just like your grandmother's. - Diane says.
  I exit to the bathroom to turn the water on and while it was cooling down, I went to get juice for the three of us.
  - Did you really find it at the sea? - Chris asks.
  - I told you I did. I have no reason to be lying.
  She looked down to her juice and drinked it. I put mine down to go check if the water was ok when I hear a scream. Diane!!
  I rush to them to see what happened. As soon as I open the door, I immediately cover my mouth so I don't scream as well.
  - Mel? - My dad calls from downstairs. - Is everything ok up there?
  I couldn't speak, I couldn't find the words in my throat to say. What I was seeing was impossible. It couldn't be.
  - We're fine... Dad. - I manage to answer.
  Chris was laying down in a different form. Non-human form. She was... Sh-she-she was... A m-m-mermaid? I close my eyes for a second, shake my head and open them again to make sure I'm not dreaming or imagining things. Diane couldn't take her hand off her mouth. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
  - W-wha-What is - What is this?! - I ask. - Is this a trick?
  Chris looks extremely pissed.
  - Oh, is this a trick?! How could I ever thought of performing a trick when we've been together all night and I have nothing else with me beside the damn clothes I am wearing?! Or was wearing...
  Her hair changed color, it gained blond highlights and it grew as well. She had a tail. A freaking tail! And her hands had sclales.
  The biggest problem of this was... What if someone entered the room? What if someone comes and sees her like that? They're going to think we're lunatics!
  - We need to get you out of here quickly! - I say - We need to hide you. Diane, help me bringing her to the bathroom.
  Diane finally took her hand off her mouth and helped me pulling Chris to the bathroom.
  - Right... Maybe we should put her on the tub, you know, so we can cover her and to make them think she's having a bath. - Diane says.
  - Good idea. - I say.
  We grab her by the arms again and pull her to the bath. Jesus, she weighs a freaking ton! As soon as we put her in the tub, we forgot how full of water it was, so the water splashes to us. We were all wet but it's just water. And then, all of a sudden, I regret that thought.
  A tail. I have a tail! I look over to Diane who's in the same figure as I am! The three of us have tails!
  - You have a tail! - Chris states. - You have a tail too!!
  The tails were blue, sky blue. And we all had scales around our body. My hair grew to my chest and had red highlights and Diane had blue. How weird was all of this?
  - Ok, we should grab a hairdryer and some towels and hope that if we dry ourselves, this disappears. - Chris suggests.
  - Good idea... - I start. - The problem is... How are we going to get a towel if they're on top of that shelf...?
  We're done here. How are we possibly going to get rid of this? And most importantly, what is this?
  - Mel? Can I come in? - It's Charlotte, she's in my room and wants to come in.
  - No, no, no, no! Tell her no, tell her you're having a bath and we're here too. - Chris whispers.
  - No, Lotte, I'm having a bath and the girls are here too. - I shout.
  - Ok... - Lotte's confused. - Just wanted to make sure you're ok before I go to work.
  - I'm fine, we're just relaxing here, we're all fine!! - I shout again.
  - Ok dear, see you later. Bye-bye.
  - Bye!
  As soon as I hear the door closing, Diane and I come back to normal. Well, almost normal, the hair stood the same with the highlights.
  - We're back! I have feet again... And legs!! Oh God, and no scales! - Diane says in happiness.
  I smile.
  - Oh, happy day! What about me? - Chris asks annoyed.
  Right, we put her in water, she didn't dry.
  - We'll get you out... I promise! Let me just get the water out and you can use towels to dry...
  She frowns but I know I couldn't leave her like that. So we did it, we dried her out.

(2days later)

  - What happened to us? - Diane asks.
  I was really confused, I'll admit it. This was all very confusing and new. Maybe I'm just thinking about myself here but... I never thought this would happen. I mean, I always thought I knew the sea. I feel like I grew up in it. And I never believed that marine creatures as mermaids were real.
  - I don't know... I-I... We need to figure this out. - I tell them.
  - You do realize that if we touch water, we grow a tail, right? - Chris says. - We can't ever touch water again.
  - No, there has to be an explanation. - I state. - And I know exactly where to look.
  Both Diane and Chris look confused. But they knew where we had to go. Sky Beach, the lagoon. It's the only place that makes sense for this all thing happening. We need answers and we'll get them.
  - You do realize we'll have to swim to test this teory, right? - Diane points out - We can't reach the lagoon from above, we have to go through water.
  - I know... I just-I just think we have to try it. That's the last place we've been before this happened.
  - We know... But we haven't tried the tails yet.
  - I think it's time for us to do it. Let's go, we have a lot of swimming to do.

Coral Blue (BOOK 1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now