When everyone got to know, it was like someone died. Neyo Mom's father suffered a heart attack, his condition was getting worst. After seeing the situation Raj Uncle came forward and decided to marry Neyo Mom same day and from then he was the ideal and only son left for Malhotra's. Dad came back from America and asked for forgiveness several times but Grandpa never accepted him. He was disowned from everywhere. Then Dad also moved on, he met my mother, they fall in love, got married and then had me.. Every year at Grandpa's birthday Dad use to call him in a hope that he will call him home but it never happened.. 

And then one day, grandpa left the world. Raj Uncle informed Dad and then we both came to India as Mom already left us... First time when I met Manik, You know Nandini, he was too happy to see me, we were just teenagers, He was older than me, but he was too friendly. He took very good care of me but then suddenly somebody told him about all this and since that day he never spoke to us again.. When we got to know about Raj Uncle's death, we again came to meet both of them but Manik never accepted us.. It's been 2 years since Dad come here after every 2 months, just in hope to get their forgiveness but nothing as such happens... I feel bad for my Father, but I know What he did with Neyonika Mom was also not right. Now I just pray to God that some magic happen and that everything get okay one day. They both are the only people left in the name of family and I want them back Nandini, I want them back...."

 And I couldn't believe what all I heard... The love and respect I have for Mom was now doubled. I can't believe the lady who is always smiling has went through so much pain in her life.. I cannot even imagine, how humiliated she might have felt on her wedding day waiting for her groom who chose to ran away.

No matter how much I love Pappa, but I cannot justify his this act, this would be worst possible decision ever made. What if she would have fallen in love with him, what if she would have created so many dreams with him.. He shattered them all, her trust, her love, her respect everything... I don't know I was crying until I felt Rico wiping my cheeks

Nandini - I am sorry I just...

Arya - Its okay Nandini, I can understand.. I have seen your bond with her.. I know how you must be feeling...

Nandini - You know sometimes I don't even feel she is Manik's Mom, she is just like my Amma, same affection, same love she give me.. I can't believe she has suffered this much In her life and the reason is my Pappa...

Arya - I know, even I sometimes hate my Dad for doing this to her.. But that was past Nandini we cannot change it, what we can do is to mend the broken relationships and get the family together, but I don't think so that will be possible in this life.


I am standing outside her room from past 15 minutes, It's almost time for dinner and Manik wasn't home yet, I was worried for him... But after that chat with Rico, my Mind kept wandering the whole thing about Mom and Papa.. I don't know whether, it would be right or not but I just want to have a word with her.. Maybe she too needs someone to talk about all this.. And so here I am outside her room gathering all the courage to go inside.. 

Okay Nandu, you are just going there to talk, she is Mom your Mom, she would understand right, yeah just go there and talk to her.. with one deep breath, I finally opened the door and moved inside..

Neyonika - Come in Nandini.. You are here to call for dinner nah? I was  just about to come. Did Manik came from office?

Nandini - No Mom, Manik is still not here. He must be on the way will be here soon..

This is as difficult as it seemed.. I was fiddling with my fingers nervously..

Neyonika- What is it Nandini? Do you want to say something?

Nandini- I don't know Mom if I am allowed to say this but  it's just....

Neyonika- Come sit here, and tell me what's wrong...

I sat down and started nervously, "Mom Since Aryaman and Pappa came to this house, you and Manik both are upset and I hate to see you both like this.. I know, I shouldn't have asked them to stay here but then I didn't had any idea about the problems between the two families.. I am sorry Mom, but now I know what happened between both families years back..."

And I bowed down my head, I know I have no right to interfere in between their family matters, but I couldn't help...

Neyonika- You didn't have to say sorry for anything. You are a part of this family now Nandini, and you have every right to know the truth..

Nandini- Mom, Dad loved you a lot, didn't he?

And a gorgeous smile crept on her face hearing about her husband's name..

Neyonika- Yes, a lot. I don't think anybody could love me more than him Nandini. He completed my life, he gave me a reason to live and after his death everything got over for me. 2 years Nandini, it took me two years to come back to life.. Raj and Manik are everything to me..

Nandini- So, if that day Raghuvendra Pappa didn't leave for America then would you have gotten such a loving and caring husband Mom?

And she was stunned by my question, I know everyone is looking for all the wrong reasons, but no one is looking at the bright side, that is if he would have not left that day, Mom and dad would have not be there in the picture. Maybe at that time Pappa was not the man for Mom, maybe she wasn't meant to be with him.. Maybe she wouldn't have lived her life this happily if it wasn't with Dad... 

"Think about it Mom, if he wouldn't have left that day then the happiness that you got for so many years wouldn't have come your way. Dad wouldn't have come in your life. Raj Malhotra who loved you so much, who gave you good memories, who gave you Manik. Aren't these reasons good enough for you to forgive Pappa?"

And remaining of my words remained in my mouth when I heard his dangerously high scream, "Nandiniiii........"


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