Chapter 28: Roman's favorite star

Start from the beginning

"I know that I don't have Aleksei's fearful reputation," Roman began in a calm voice. "But don't underestimate me, Nyx."

He almost looked at Nyx with disdain.

"The only reason why you have any power in the first place is that Aleksei lacks motivation and desire for the throne. If it weren't for him, you would still be sitting in an empty castle somewhere far in the Northern mountains. You did not earn your title, Nyx, you obtained it by coincidence."

Nyx narrowed his eyes but Roman didn't waver at the warning.

"Do you know why Aleksei is still feared? Why everyone trembles at his name to this day? Crown or not?" Asked Roman. "It's because he was a good king. And by good, I don't mind kind. He was a good king because he served and protected his people. He removed any threat to his region without mercy, burned castles belonging to those who defied him, scattered lands with the corpses and bones of his enemies to keep his people safe. He was a good king who ruled for his people and not for himself."

The tone of reproach made Nyx stiffen.

"And what have you achieved? You've done nothing but blackmail your comrades and made enemies with your allies, actively searched for trouble where there isn't any to begin with. For Hell's sake, you made up an entire plan to murder innocent beings without even consulting your advisors! You rule mindlessly and selfishly, that is why you will never amount to Aleksei," Roman jeered. "I may serve you but my respect and admiration will always reside with him."

Nyx's jaw tightened but he released a loud laugh that almost seemed forced. He pulled the black locks of hair away from his face before locking eyes with Roman again.

"A loyal fool, you are," he sighed, shaking his head. "Loyalty does not win wars, my dear friend. Power does. And the man you so highly respect has none."

Nyx has always been aware that he wasn't respected or taken as seriously as Aleksei, that he was seen no better than a washed-out sweater compared to Aleksei's golden armor. Even if he couldn't get the most ancient vampires to respect him, he could still create and lead a new army of young vampires; one that did not know of Aleksei's reign. Nyx could leave behind the humiliation and mockery and start fresh.

"Aleksei will fall on his knees and I will have him killed," Nyx swore. "In front of the entire court where everyone can watch their so respected king cry for mercy at my feet."

Roman's brows leaned inwards to a crease.

"What do you mean?" He asked, hearing of this for the first time. "Kill him?"

Roman's eyes then widened.

"Nyx, don't tell me-"

"A king must die for another to be born," Nyx said, a grin slithering across his pale face. He turned on his heel and when Roman blinked, Nyx was already gone.

After taking a moment to recollect his thoughts, Roman quickly changed into his uniform and headed out. He paced down the hall and knocked on a door. Issa opened it, his eyes round with curiosity as he saw the panicked look on Roman's face.

He pulled out his earphone and smiled nonetheless.

"Hiya, Romy," he beamed. "We can head to the cafeteria together. Let me put my socks on, I'll be right with you."

Issa turned around and was about to head to his drawers but Roman stopped him. He wrapped his arms around Issa, lowering his head and pressing his forehead against the nape of Issa's warm neck, letting out a small sigh of relief.

'He's safe.'

Roman almost never lost his temper, especially with Nyx, since the consequences could bite back heavily. If Issa was hurt because he couldn't control his mouth, Roman would never forgive himself.

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