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I pulled into the familiar driveway with the tire swing still hanging on the big oak tree.

I got out and walked up to the front door, ringing the doorbell.

When the door opened, my mom embraced me in a hug. 

"I'm glad you called first. We just got back from the grocery store."

The house smelled of pine and warm oven.

"You wore your apron to the store?" I asked, motioning to the paint stained apron hung around my mom's neck.

"No, I was just about to paint though. Want to join me?"

I shook my head. 

"I would, but I'm meeting up with a friend in a little bit but I'd just thought I'd stop by since I've been so busy with work."

"How is work going?" She asked, pouring me some lemonade.

I hesitated before answering. "Busy."

I took a sip of my lemonade as I looked around.

"Where's dad?" 

"He's out in the garage, putting beers away."

I nodded.

"How's he taking the whole 'empty-nester' thing?"

My mom clasped her hands together.

"As expected."

The back door opened and my dad walked in and stopped in his tracks.

"Arabella! You decided to grace us with your presence."

I gave him a hug before grabbing my lemonade glass and following him to the living room.

"Do you need gas in your car? I noticed the sticker on your window. You're about due for an oil change."

I rolled my eyes as he cracked open a beer.

"I'll get gas on my way out, dad."

"Oh, you're not staying? We could have a movie night? Even order in your favorite Thai restaurant. I've been craving their spring rolls."

I smiled and crossed my legs. 

"Actually, I can't stay."

"She has a date." My mom said, walking into the living room, drying her hands on a towel.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "You only have one friend that I know of, and I could just tell by the way you said it."

"So, what's this boy's name? Or girl's?" My dad asked, looking uncomfortable.

"His name is Mason."

"Do we get a last name? Date of birth? You know I'm going to have to do a thorough sweep of his record." My dad said, already on his phone. 

My dad was a police officer at the Los Angeles Police Department  so naturally, I knew this was coming.

"Mason Coleman." I mentioned casually, looking at my watch.

My dad set down his beer and sat up straight in his chair. 

"You mean as in the son of Thomas Coleman?"

I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Yeah, we met when I catered one of his parent's parties. Speaking of, I have to go. I told Mason I'd be ready by 6, which means I should've left 10 minutes ago to beat traffic."

"Well I'm glad you stopped by. It's getting a little 'old people-ish' around here with just your mom and I."

My mom threw a hand towel at him across the room and I laughed.

"Don't kill each other please." I said, only slightly joking.

"No promises." My mom laughed.

After I hugged my parents, I started towards the front door when my dad stopped me.

"You be careful around those Coleman's."

I rolled my eyes. "I will."

 I got back into my car and checked my phone.

Mason texted me five different times so I gave him a call.

"Finally, where you at?" He asked when he picked up.

"Sorry, I was at my parents' house. I'm on my way now."

"Did you tell them about me?" He asked.

"I did actually. You're very well known around these parts."

I heard him scoff on the other end.

"Meet me at the address I sent you and give the valet my first and last name."

I agreed, hanging up and heading to the location.

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