Chapter Thirty-Five: Blessing

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April 11, 1964

"Where are you going again?" Donna's arms snuck around my waist and I saw her rest her head on my shoulder in the mirror. Her face was pouting, sarcastically, her thin lips curved downwards slightly, teasingly. Her hands were toying with the hemline of my suit jacket.

I gave her a smirk and turned around, slipping my arms around her waist and pulling her as close to me as possible. "I told you," I said. "I'm going out with Brian. Just down the road. We're discussing the rest of the album," I answered her, reaching up to swirl a strand of her hair between my fingers.

She eyed me up and down suspiciously. "Why just you, though?"

"Relax," I said jokingly. "Because, darling, it's still my band. I hear everything first still, all these years later," I replied jokingly. She bought it.

I wasn't entirely lying. I was going to dinner with Brian, but not because we had to discuss a tour, but instead I still had a huge question for Donna. I just needed his permission before I asked it. I loved her so much, and I was prepared to make sure she knew that—forever. I never wanted to have anyone that wasn't her. I simply wouldn't stand for it. Tonight was the first step in setting that in stone.

Donna stood up on the tips of her toes to put her lips to mine. She pulled away pretty quickly, much quicker than I would have wanted. I gave her a frown and she shrugged innocently. "You've got to go," she said and I cracked a lopsided grin. I spun around to slip out the bathroom door, leaving her leaning against the counter after planting a peck on her cheek.

"Do bring me something back!" she called as I left the house.

"Will do, my dear!" I responded as the door closed behind me and I was left alone with the chilly breeze dusting the scene of tonight's sunset.


I sat down at the table nervously, my hands fidgeting and my nerves tingling anxiously. Brian sat in front of me, a curious look on his face. He had absolutely no idea why I had arranged all this. When he'd placed himself in the booth across from me, a waitress came up to us to take our drink orders.

"Water," I heard Brian say to her with a pleasant smile.

"Me too," I squeaked when she looked at me imploringly, blushing slightly when my voice came out more horrified than I'd expected. The waitress gave me a slightly concerned look (and for an understandable reason) before leaving us behind to put those orders in.

Brian looked at me with the same concerned look the waitress had given me. I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to brush aside the outburst, repeating the speech I'd made up for the eight-thousandth time in the past half hour.

"Why'd you need me here?" he asked bluntly, resting his hands on the table. "Did you and Donna do something?" His voice came out in a threatening tone and I widened my eyes fearfully.

"No, we didn't," I answered hesitantly.

"That wasn't very convincing."

The waitress came back with our drinks and took our orders quickly, perhaps sensing the tension that had fallen over the two of us in two minutes flat. She went ahead and took our orders. I don't know what I ordered. I wasn't aware of anything happening around me. My head was just spinning as I tried to make sense of the words I knew I had to say.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked suddenly and I looked up, feeling that wild look in my eye that effectively gave away my nerves.

"Okay, so," I said, dropping my hands onto the table. "I—uh—I really love Donna and I really respect her." Brian held a steady straight face, saying nothing, just encouraging me to go on with his eyes. I took a deep breath, forgetting every sentence I'd pieced together in the moment, cursing myself for the burst of stupidity. I improvised.

"Okay—." I looked down at the table, tapping my finger anxiously. "So, what I'm trying to say—uh—." I stopped myself again, rubbing my face to get myself together. I took a sip of my water before going to continue. Unfortunately or fortunately, I couldn't decide, our waitress came back with our food. Brian eyed me skeptically the whole time she put it down on the table.

"Keep talking," Brian said when she'd left.

"Okay, well," I stammered. "What I'm trying to say is that—." I took a deep breath. "I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to be with her, and only her. I love her more than words can describe and I'm ready to show her, and everyone else, that. I...I want to ask marry me."

By the end of my sudden burst of words, Brian had fallen silent, his mouth hung open slightly in shock. He hadn't been expecting this at all, it seemed. Then, a rush of emotion went over his face and it looked like he could slap me. I sat patiently awaiting his response. He chewed on the words for a long moment before opening his mouth to respond, but it closed again momentarily.

"Well—," he said finally, his voice calm. I even sensed a hint of joy in his tone. "You're certainly a great guy, John," he said slowly, taking a bite of his food before continuing. "You've treated her well so far and if she deserves anyone in the world, I definitely think it's you." He gave me a smile and I let out a long rush of relieved air. "Now, for God's sake, have a little strength." He gave me an expectant look. "You've got my blessing."

I laughed, so relieved I could have cried. "Thank you so much, Brian."

"If you hurt her—," he began, but he didn't need to finish.

"I never will," I said without a moment's hesitation.

~Donna's POV~

As soon as John left, I suddenly lost interest in everything in the house. Not knowing what else I could do, I decided to call Trixie. The phone rang twice before she finally picked up.


"Hey, Trix, it's me," I replied, smiling. "I hope I didn't interrupt something."

"No, we aren't doing anything out here. It's been pretty slow, to say anything. What's up? You sound like something's wrong."

"Oh, no, not at all. John's just...being secretive about something. I'm not sure what he's planning, but he's out with Brian right now. He said it was about the album, but I don't really know."

Trixie gasped. "Donna, can't you see?"

"See what?" I asked curiously.

She thought a moment. "He's planning something and you can't know about it."

"I'm not really sure I follow." I laughed.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you," she said. "Let it be a mystery."

"What?" I asked desperately. "Why?"

She didn't say anything. She only laughed. "Well," I asked, sighing defeatedly. "How's everything with you, then?"


It was about 8:30 when John finally got back. I was upstairs, already in bed, the bed itself being one of the only piece of furniture we did have so far. I was reading a book, so invested in it that I didn't even notice him come into the house or start calling my name. I was only pulled away when he had actually come up to the room and called out my name.

"Donna!" When I jumped, he laughed. He came over to where I was laying and bent down to kiss me on the lips.

"How was it?" I asked. I didn't really believe he'd just gone to discuss the album, but I chose not to say anything this time. I didn't want to make a mess of anything again.

"It was good," he said. "I told him about the song I'm writing and we talked about the recording dates. I can't wait to get back in the studio," he said happily, taking his suit jacket off, followed closely by the rest of his clothing to slip on his nightclothes. I pretended like the show didn't phase me.

He caught my eye before he climbed into bed beside me and I sat the book aside and turned off the lamp, curling up close to him.

"I love you, John," I blubbered, instantly feeling drowsy when I was near him

"I love you too, ma douce Donna. Goodnight."

Maybe he said something more, I didn't know. His hands rubbing my back and the warmth of him around me put me to sleep before I could register anything at all.

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