Twenty-Five: Notalgic Teddy Boy John Lennon Being Chased by New Fangirls

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April 4, 1964

Walking into Brian and I's house brought an instant wave of peace tumbling over me. It brought me back to before the boys were known worldwide and they were still the little Liverpool band that looked almost hopeless. Brian had helped change that. I had miraculously helped change that.

We'd stayed over at Mimi's for a few hours, but decided that we wanted to brave going out and doing something. Throughout our time there, a few fans had passed by. John even came out to say hello to the ones who seemed...sane. Before we went out to do anything, we slipped out the back door and went over to Brian and I's place, where we'd actually be staying the night.

John's arms slipped around me when the door closed behind us. "We should go to the Cavern," he said.

I turned to him with a skeptical look on my face. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Who bloody cares if it's a good idea." He grinned. "Don't you just want to feel like you're with young and rebellious Johnny again?"

"I dunno," I said, adjusting his hat so I could see his face better. "I think you'll always be young and rebellious John to me."

He leaned down and kissed me. "Cavern?"

I nodded. "Cavern. But, then, we've got to see Trixie."

"Ah, yes, the American. That can be arranged, I'm sure." He smiled.


It was arranged. We agreed to meet Trixie at the same diner down the road from the Cavern we'd always met at around 3.

Putting on a nice disguise, which included John ditching his mop top to attempt his old teddy-boy look, something I had only briefly experienced on him. John and I slipped back out into the streets of Liverpool, taking the backroads we both knew so well, bounding towards the Cavern.

Miraculously, we managed to make it into the club without being noticed by anyone, not even the people letting everyone in. I ordered us some drinks.

"What time is it?" asked John. "Two," I responded. "We've got just under an hour."

"Lovely," he said, taking a look around. "Ah, the Cavern. It's been ages, hasn't it?"

"Sure feels like it, doesn't it?" I agreed.

"I wonder who's playing," he said amusedly. "It sure isn't us."

"I dunno," I said. "Maybe we'll watch a band that's gonna be known worldwide in a few years."

"Eerily reminiscent," he commented. From behind him, someone came onto the stage to introduce the band. I didn't catch the name. I couldn't take my eyes off of John. And it seemed he couldn't take his off of me either.

"I don't think I've ever seen your hair like this," he quipped.

"Braided?" I asked with a chuckle. "I'm sure you have somewhere along the line, Johnny."

He took one of the braids in his hand and marveled at it with a smile. "I'm sure I would have remembered, dear. It looks awfully gorgeous."

"Uh-oh," I said, shrugging teasingly. "You've forgotten."

He smiled cheekily before jerking his head towards the stage as a bartender came back and handed us our drinks. I turned around, feeling John settle his arms comfortably around my waist. We watched as a young group performed onstage. When they started a cover of the boys' "Hold Me Tight," John and I looked at each other amusedly.

"Being here alone tonight with you," whispered John, settling his head next to my ear. "It feels so right."

I shook my head at him with a slightly tipsy smile. I still really didn't drink much, so I also still didn't have a very high tolerance for alcohol.

He looked at his watch as the song concluded. "Time to go," he said. "Your American friend awaits."

I nodded and stood after him. We went to step out of the club discreetly, not wanting to attract any attention. Leaving, we weren't so lucky. As we stepped across the door and tried to slip back onto the backroads we'd taken here, someone recognized John under his hat and sunglasses and hair gel. The girl was quick to gather others' attention, and before long, John ad grabbed my hand and was dragging me away from them.

We ran around the building, John taking my hand urgently, cutting a sharp left turn and tugging me up a ladder that went up on top of the building. We watched in amusement as the crowd stopped at the end of the alleyway we'd ended up in, confused as to where we'd gone.

John and I stood there on the roof, doubled over and panting, for a moment before the crowd finally gave up looking and dispersed.

"How's my hair look now?" John asked. I looked up and grinned crookedly, going over to him and fixing the mess with my now-trembling hands as best as I could.

When I pulled back, I gave a wild hand gesture. "Voila!" I exclaimed. "Good as new!"

He smiled at me, taking my hands firmly in his to calm the shaking, and put his lips to mine for a brief moment. When he pulled away, I couldn't help but want more. "We've got three minutes to get down the road," he said. "C'mon."


We still made it just at three, unbelievably. Trixie still wasn't there, so we took the booth we always sat at in the back corner of the restaurant. It wasn't long before we spotted her, and I could immediately tell what the "surprise" she'd teased on our phone call earlier was. Her swollen belly was unmistakable.

"Trix!" I screeched, garnering a few confused looks from the other few people in the restaurant.

She smiled eagerly. I stood up from the booth as she made it over and put my arms around her. "Congratulations," I said finally, pulling away and taking my seat again. She took the place in front of John and I.

"Thank you," she said.

Trixie had met someone new, a lad by the name of Seamus. I'd met him a few times. He was very nice.

"Congratulations, American," quipped John from beside me, crossing his legs and resting a hand on my leg.

"Thanks, John," Trixie responded with a sarcastic laugh.

"We dodged that bullet, didn't we, Donna," he remarked.

"Yes, we did, didn't we?" I replied quietly.

"You've been busy, then?" Trixie asked teasingly.

"Well, if you'd like to put it that way," John said, grinning slyly.

"Why didn't you say sooner?" I asked Trixie excitedly, igniting their antics all together.

"I wanted to wait until I could actually see you, silly," she responded with a smile.

"When's it coming, then?" asked John.

"I'm due in June," she said, smiling down at her belly fondly.

I didn't really know what to say. "I'm so happy for you, Trix," I said.

"Thank you," she responded again, giggling. "But, enough about me. I'm sitting at the table with the John Lennon. How's your life going?" she asked coyly.

"We just dodged a group of screaming girls and still beat you here," said John. "So, I suppose it's going well."

I swatted John's arm. "John, shush it," I snapped teasingly. "We've just bought a house," I said jokingly.

"Brilliant!" Trixie exclaimed, clapped her hands together. We laughed.

⇾ 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя