Chapter Twenty-Two: Well, Congratulations to the Lennons!

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April 2, 1964

"News, news, news!" John yelled as we showed up on set, a lidded cup in his hand from our breakfast journey this morning. Paul, George, Ringo, and Brian all turned towards us.

"Make it quick," said Brian. "We've only got a few minutes.

John stopped in his tracks and threw his arm around my shoulders. "We," he began. "Have now got a house."

No one said anything for a moment. "Well, congratulations to the Lennons," said Paul teasingly after a moment.

John went over and shoved him. The other two pounced on top of them and they all fell to the ground in a fit of laughter. Somehow, I realized I'd ended up with John's drink in my hand. Brian looked helplessly at the heap of Beatles on the floor and I went and stood by him.

When he saw me come up beside him, he turned with a bright smile, putting his arms around me in the process. "Congratulations, kiddo," he said, then pulled away with a teasing grin. "Or can I not call you that anymore?"

"No," I said. "Please do. Thanks, Bri."

He gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning to the boys. "Now, it's time to get up," he said and the boys stopped whatever form of wrestling they'd become engaged in, all falling onto their backs, continuing to giggle.

I looked down at them amusedly. "You're like four children," I commented.

"Are we hard to look after or are we good children?" asked Paul innocently.

"No, you're the worst sort imaginable," I said jokingly.

"Awww," said George. "I thought you loooved us."

"Oh, but I dooo," I responded.

"Up," commanded Brian and the boys scrambled to get off the ground as someone shouted out for them.


"Thataway!" yelled John to me. Now that we had finally got done on set, we were taking the rest of the boys to see our house. It would be a few days until we could properly find time to move in. There were still things to be done and renovations to be organized since there was a load of things John wanted to add on to the house.

"John, I know where to go," I said with a laugh.

"This is so exciting!" said Paul from the backseat. "You're finally moving out!"

"Oh, I bet you're excited, aren't you?" John laughed, turning around to face the three Beatles in the backseat.

"Is that it?" I heard George ask eagerly.

"Yes! Good job, George, you win a high-five!" John leaned back and gave George a high-five as I pulled carefully into the driveway.

"When you gonna learn to drive, Johnny?" asked Paul as we all piled out of the car. "Donna can't drive you around forever, y'know."

"And why's that, McCartney?" asked John. "Besides, I can drive. Just don't have my license, yeah?"

"He's rubbish at it," I added teasingly, shooting John a smirk.

"Thanks for the confidence booster, love. I appreciate it." John put a suffocating arm around my shoulders.

"Look at this!" Paul yelled. "Donna and John have a sidewalk!"

"Wow!" George added dramatically, dropping to the ground to examine the concrete. Paul followed in suit.

"Get the hell off my sidewalk, you morons!" John said sarcastically.

"Well, are you going to show us inside, then, Johnny?" asked Ringo

"Oh, yes, of course, come on, children."

"Ooh," quipped Paul. "Kinky."

"Shut the fuck up before I ban you from the premises," John said with a laugh.

"Donna would never let you do that," said Paul with a cheeky smile as we all began to walk up to the house. "Would you, Epstein?"

"Of course not," I replied with a giggle.

"John's being mean," said George. "Tell him to stop, Donna."

"John, stop."

"Aww, but Donna—," said John.

"All of you, just, be normal," I said with a laugh.

"What's that mean, Miss Author?" asked Paul.

"Do enlighten us," said George.

"We're the Beatles," said John. "We simply don't do normal, love." He tightened his grip on my waist.

"I should know that by now," I responded.

Paul, George, and Ringo ran up to the door eagerly like three young children. John and I took our time in getting up there, laughing when the other three turned around and frowned at us.

John took a key out of his pocket and tossed it abruptly at Paul, who dove quickly to pick it up when it fell to the ground.

When he'd finally gotten it off the ground, he eagerly jammed it into the keyhole and opened the door. "Well, lookie here!" I heard him yell from the foyer. "John's done good!"

"What about me?" I asked jokingly as we stepped in the door.

"Ah, yes, lovely Donna, she's done well too. You got John, who just so happens to be one of the most famous people in the world right now."

"Oh, so lucky," I said with a chuckle.

"Check this out!" John said excitedly, going towards the door leading down to the basement. He wrenched the door open and gestured for the other three to join him.

Paul looked at me amusedly. "Are you two trying to kill us?" he asked.

I shook my head innocently. "Of course not. Now, go!"

George was the first to actually follow John, followed by Paul, and finally Ringo. I went down there too, stopping on a little platform before the stairs ended and watching as John explained to the other three that this could be the place where they could rehearse together.

"See, we could set some drums up down here. Then, we can put some amps up too, and then we've got ourselves a lovely little rehearsal setup, yeah? What do you think?"

The glow in John's eye when he spoke about music was what kept me going sometimes. He really loved what he was doing, they all did, and I was so glad it had ended up working out for them.

The other three nodded. "That sounds very nice, John," said Ringo thoughtfully, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I presume I'll be upstairs, making the mighty musicians their dinner, in that instance?" I asked teasingly.

John caught my eye and grinned. "The best chef in town," he quipped.

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