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Murmurs rang through the school once you had entered. A good sized crowd gathered at the announcement boards so you went over to see what the commotion was about. A striking red card with letters that seemed to be cut from various pages pasted on the red card. You were about to read one of the cards when Kamoshida went into an outrage. Seemingly after he had read the card. "What is the meaning of this?!" He exclaimed. "Is this some kind of prank?! Did you write this?" He asked as he grabbed a scared student by the collar. You took a few steps back and took the opportunity to leave that area. You immediately took out your phone and texted the first person that came to mind.

Did you read what was on the board? Whatever it was, it really pissed off Kamoshida

Ann: Yeah. I guess a group called the Phantom Thieves are planning on exposing him somehow.

Wonder how they plan on doing that. There so much dirt on that guy yet no solid evidence besides bruises that could be easily excused.

Ann: I guess we'll have to wait and see... And I hope they expose him soon.

Ann: I can't stop thinking about Shiho...

That sweet girl didn't deserve any of that... I hope she recovers soon

Ann: Yeah...

Ann: Hey, Y/n. I gotta go for now. I'll talk to you later.

Alright. Take it easy

Ann: Thanks

You let out a sigh and a frown thinking about Shiho. You, her and Ann were a good group of friends and Kamoshida was tearing the three of you apart. You tried not to think of it and went to class and continued on with the school day.


The day had been really slow but you made it through anyway. You made your way to the entrance of the school but had accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh!" You let out a surprised sound and looked to see who you had bumped into. Of course it was none other than the new kid, Akira Kurusu. The new kid who had transferred to Sujin. He was tall compared to you and had curly black and frizzy hair, dark steel blue eyes that appeared mostly grey but once the sunlight hit, you could see a hint of blue. Large glasses framed his face wonderfully as well as his hair. His overall facial features were soft though still brought out his masculinity. You honestly found him to be rather attractive. "Ah sorry Kurusu. I wasn't paying attention..." You muttered as you rubbed the back of your neck and cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Though he gave a small smile and brushed it off.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." He replied.

"How are you adjusting to the school? Especially with all the crazy shit going on currently?"

"It's... Definitely not what I expected. But I'd like to think I've made some good friends already." You smiled at that.

"That's good to hear. Who are the lucky people?" You asked as the two of you began to walk to the station.

"Takamaki Ann and Sakamoto Ryuji." This surprised you greatly.

"Huh. I'm friends with Ann too. As for Ryuji... Well... I've known him for quite some time."

"I take it you two aren't friends?"

"Ehhh more so aquatints. I just never fully agreed to his whole... 'tough guy' act ya know?" Akira nodded. And you chuckled light heartily before you frowned a little. "Hey... Listen. I heard all the rumors circulating around you and I'm not saying I believe them. But I do want to make sure they really are spewing some bullshit." You began. A little reluctant to look him in the eye as the two of you waited for the subway. "Are you... Really in Sujin for probation?" You asked. Now looking him in the dark steel blue eyes. He fell silent and glanced away before nodding. You could tell he was bothered by it. "Ah... Sorry for asking."

"It's fine. You wanted to know." He replied looking at you again with a small smile.

"It's odd though. You don't seem like the kind of person to be put on probation for anything" You said as you two got on the train and sat next to each other.

"It was more so a misunderstanding."

"How so?"

"Well... I was coming home and I saw a woman being harassed by a drunk guy. She... Really looked like she needed help. So I went over to separate them, the guy tripped on his own feet, hit his head against concrete causing him to bleed a little and he threatened to sue me. The woman didn't even say anything and the cops got called on me. I went to court, got deemed guilty then sent on probation and to live in the city. Said I should learn my lesson by coming here." He explained to you. Your heart ached for the poor boy.

"But... If you were sent all the way here then... Where are you living right now?" You asked the ravenette.

"I'm living with the owner of Leblanc. He's allowing me to live in the attic." You hummed.

"I live near by there. We could walk to school together if you'd like." You offered. He sent a smile as the two of you got off the train.

"Sure." He replied.

"Alright. I'll start waiting for you in Leblanc every morning." You stated. "Oh! I should mention, I won't be able to walk home with you everyday. I have boxing and karate lessons after school sometimes." You informed him. He seemed stunned by this new information and you giggled. "Well... When you're in the city, it is useful to know how to defend yourself. Maybe I could teach you how to defend yourself some day." You said as the two of you stopped in front of Leblanc. He gave a nod. "Oh real quick, sorry. But here's my number. That way you can let me know if you're sick or want some boxing and karate lessons." You said. Akira punched in your number on his phone and sent you a text for you to save his number. "Alright, see ya!" You exclaimed and headed off down a block or two before reaching your home.

I am thou, thou art I...

Thou hast created a new bond as a step closer to rehabilitation

Thou hast created a bond with the Guardian arcana...

✨Guardian Rank: 1✨


"Listen. I know heart break sucks. Trust me I know. But you cannot stalk your ex and try and take them back." You began. "You need to move on. Find someone better suited for yourself..." You finished in a soft tone. The person in front of you sat on their knees and looked down with defeat.

"I... You're right..." They mutter before their body disappears and turns into a light orb. You snatched it and let out a sigh. Before turning and leaving the area you were in. Though you froze on the spot when you heard what sounded like a car coming down one of the tunnels. You quickly hid behind a pillar and peaked behind it to see a black truck with white lines and blue lights drive by with what looked like three people to be in it. "I thought I was the only one..." You muttered softly to yourself as you watched them disappear into the tunnels.

Mystery Within (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now