16. Meeting the Family

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Elena, Elijah, Bonnie and Kol all got off the plane from New Orleans. Elena had never been outside of the States and now she was standing in an airport in London, England. It was crazy to think about how much her life had changed. 

As they were leaving the arrival area, Kol and Elijah stopped. Elijah had a huge grin on his face as a woman ran over to him. She jumped into his arms and he hugged her tightly. When Caroline walked up shortly after, Elena made the connection that it was his sister. He placed Rebekah back on her feet, allowing her to greet Kol while he turned his attention to his brother.

"Niklaus." He smiled, embracing his brother. When the Mikaelsons separated, Rebekah urged her brothers to introduce their girlfriends. 

"This is Bonnie. Bon, this is my brother Nik and my sister Rebekah." Kol introduced. 

"Kol finally has a girlfriend!" Rebekah squealed hugging Bonnie. 

"I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with her." Klaus chuckled from behind her. 

"Maybe we'll figure it out when we figure out what's wrong with Caroline." Rebekah retorted as she pulled away from Bonnie. "Speaking of, this is Caroline, the only woman able to put up with our darling Nik." Elijah and Kol greeted her politely as she held tightly to Klaus's hand. 

"This is Elena," Elijah said simply. "My girlfriend." He emphasized the second part to Klaus who was already glaring at her.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled. Elena held her hand out to Klaus who eyed it suspiciously. She dropped it and sighed. "I know my sister put you through a lot so I will have to earn your trust. I will find a way to prove to you I'm nothing like her." Klaus nodded but maintained the cold glare on his face. 

"Ignore the Big Bad Wolf." Caroline teased ruffling Klaus' hair before approaching Elena. "I'm a huge fan of your books." She grinned. 


"While I hate to break up such a touching moment, we should get to the house before we're late for dinner." Elijah placed a hand on Elena's shoulder as he started leading the way to the exit. On the way, they noticed the driver that their parents had sent for them. The Mikaelsons and their companions all loaded into the limo. An awkward silence fell over the group until Kol decided to try to break the tension.

"Where's Marcellus? Did he finally come to his senses?" Kol asked his sister who flashed him a glare.

"Marcel will be joining us tomorrow." She snapped. "He had some business to attend to." Caroline glanced at the blonde who silenced her with a look. When they pulled up to the mansion, everyone was relieved to be out of the car. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie all stared at the Mikaelson Mansion in awe. 

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Kol chuckled, dragging his girlfriend towards the front door.

Elena held on tightly to Elijah as her nerves started kicking in. The door swung open before they could knock. A teenage boy stood in front of them with a huge grin on his face. The boy immediately tackled Klaus in a hug, causing him to stumble back a few feet. 

"Apparently Nik is still his favourite." Kol rolled his eyes and waited for his younger brother to notice him. 

"I guess he still hasn't learned good taste." Rebekah teased as Klaus put Henrik back on his feet. 

"Why don't we go inside?" Elijah chuckled and Henrik led them all inside. In the main room of the house, a man and woman stood, talking to one of their sons. Elijah smoothly joined the conversation and his mother grinned before hugging him. 

"Welcome home." She smiled politely as she spotted all of her children together. The group did all their introductions and Elena thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Both Esther and Mikael had stared her down, neither seeming to approve of their relationship. Elena held tightly to Elijah and he smiled down at her, trying to offer comfort. "I'll have your stuff brought to your rooms so you can all get ready for dinner." 

"Freya should be arriving soon so we will be able to eat as a family." Mikael glanced lovingly at his wife and then they all headed to their rooms. Elijah brought Elena to the room they'd be staying in and she was charmed by his childhood bedroom. It was mature yet she could see evidence of his youth that made her smile. Pictures of him with his siblings were on display around the room. 

"What if they hate me?" Elena mumbled, looking at the pictures of the happy family. Elijah wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed a kiss to her cheek. 

"We talked about this." He reminded her.

"I know." She sighed, leaning back into him. "It's just a little intimidating." 

"No matter what happens, you and I will get through this together." She turned around to face him and he rested his forehead on hers. "Now we should get to dinner because my mother is really not a fan of lateness." 

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