15. Damage Control

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Caroline groaned as she felt the bed shift. When she fully woke up, Klaus was pacing across the room. 

"What's wrong?" She asked as she stood up. She reached out to him and grabbed his arm. He stopped walking.

"My brother is an idiot." He stated bluntly. "And, he's not answering my calls." 

"What's going on?" Klaus held up the news article on his phone and Caroline tried to contain her surprise. "Your brother has a girlfriend?"  

"I thought he was done with her." He growled through gritted teeth. "She's a con artist." He explained. 

"No way! You think Elena Gilbert is a con artist?" Caroline gasped. "There's no way." 

"You know her?" Klaus asked turning to her with a glare.

"No, I've read her books." Caroline recovered. "She's an amazing writer." 

"Well, I've met her. She's a bitch who wants my brother's fortune." Klaus' brother finally picked up so Caroline backed away from him. "You're a fool, Elijah," Klaus growled into the phone.


"After everything she put you through, you're still with her?"


"After what she did to Lucien and Silas you decide that you're different."

"Niklaus it's not her." Elijah blurted out, finally able to stop his brother's rant. "Elena is not Katerina."

"So you're dating her what...doppelganger?" Klaus asked with a bitter laugh.

"Her sister. And I'm aware of the risks but she is nothing like Katherine." Elijah insisted. 

"She's playing you!" Klaus yelled. Caroline left her bedroom to give Klaus some privacy. When she got into the kitchen, her emotions started taking over. She leaned on the counter as she tried to catch her breath. Her heart was racing and she was terrified. 

If Klaus was this angry about Elena, what would he do to her if he ever found the truth? She sank to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees. She took deep breaths to try to calm herself as tears ran down her face. 

"Caroline?" It was Rebekah's voice that came to comfort her. The other woman knelt down in front of her. "Hey," She said softly, guiding Caroline to look at her. "I need you to breathe. What can I do?" Rebekah asked, taking Caroline's hand in her own. When Caroline didn't answer, Rebekah kept talking to her. "Look at me. Focus on the sound of my voice." Rebekah kept talking until Caroline calmed down. Once she did, Rebekah sank down next to her and pulled her into her arms. 

"What's wrong, My Sweets?" She asked as she stroked Caroline's hair. Caroline couldn't tell her the truth. She needed to make something up.

"I'm scared." She breathed out softly. "What if I'm not enough for him? Or what if I make him angry?"

"Nik would never lay a hand on you. He yells a lot but for the most part, he's harmless. And believe me, you are more than enough for him." Rebekah promised with a slight chuckle. "Is that really what this is about?" 

"I-" The bedroom door opened and Klaus stormed out. When he spotted the two girls on the floor, he softened immediately.

"Caroline? What happened?" He asked, kneeling down with them. 

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just period things." She lied with a forced smile. 

"I have to run out, I can pick up a few things if you'd like." He offered. 

"Chocolate, wine and a tub of cookie dough ice cream," Rebekah told him and he nodded. He placed a kiss on Caroline's forehead before disappearing into the hall. 

"Thanks, Bekah." 

"Us girls have to stick together." 

Elijah hung up his call with Klaus only to receive one from his mother. 

"We want to meet her." Elijah groaned when his mother informed him that she had seen the article. "If there is a new woman in your life we need to make sure she isn't going to take advantage of you." 

"Mother, I can assure you Elena has no interest in-"

"After your last girlfriend, you can't blame us for being cautious." Esther snapped, cutting him off. "We expect her to be in London with you for our ceremony." She hung up before he could argue. 

"Elijah?" A soft voice came from the doorway of his study. "Is everything okay?" 

"It seems someone has decided to publicize our relationship. I'm just doing damage control." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Elena entered the room and placed a hand on her arm.

"Do you regret being with me?" She asked cautiously.

"Not for a second." He promised, pressing a kiss to her hand. "How would you like to come to London?" He asked.

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want to impose..." Elena stared at her feet.

"My mother insists. I would love if you would accompany me." 

"Then I would love to go with you." Elena smiled. "But, I don't want to go alone. Maybe you could convince Kol to bring Bonnie, take some of the pressure off me." She suggested.

"I'll see what I can do."  

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