2. Sisters

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"Despite all that Katherine did to you, at least she put out." Kol groaned as he stormed into the main room of his brother's place.

"There are more important things than sex, Kol." Elijah pointed out as he skimmed through the newspaper paper.

"Name one." Kol scoffed at the insinuation.


"Oh Brother, always the romantic." Kol rolled his eyes as he sat next to his brother on the couch. Elijah handed him the comics section without looking up. "But seriously. You buy a girl a drink, she agrees to go back to your place, you'd think that means sex. But instead she drinks your coffee, and kisses your cheek before she leaves." Kol sighed dramatically.

"You can't expect people to have sex with you. It is a choice." Elijah pointed out.

"All of the signs were there! Any man would have made the same conclusion!"

"Maybe you should date a man then." Elijah suggested, a slight smirk forming at the idea.

"I don't want to date anyone. Not even, Bonnie. I just want to sleep with her." Kol let out a sigh and Elijah went back to reading the paper, ignoring the lost cause beside him. Kol pulled out his phone, allowing the paper to float to the floor. He was scrolling through when he noticed a link labelled "Book Bitches Be Crazy". Naturally, curiosity took over and he opened the link. As he read through the article he realized a very familiar name. "A heated argument broke out in the middle of Elena Gilbert's book signing event this morning between the author and her twin sister. Watch the video here." Kol clicked on the link.

"I told you to stay out of my life!" Elena snapped at the woman who looked exactly like her. "I moved to get away from you."

"Get over yourself. It was one guy" Katherine scoffed. "Grow up and move on like an adult." Then Elena slapped Katherine.

"Elijah, you've got to see this..." Kol handed his brother the phone just in time to see Elena slap Katherine. His eyes widened as he realized there were two of them. "It seems you made a mistake."  Kol couldn't hold back the smirk.

"You're ruining people's lives and I'm sick of it!" Elena screeched as Katherine tackled her to the ground.

"Maybe the real reason you can't get a date is because you're nothing compared to me

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"Maybe the real reason you can't get a date is because you're nothing compared to me." Katherine was smirking as tears began to well in her sister's eyes. Elena pushed Katherine off of her and stood up, storming off. She paused and turned around one last time.

"Stay the fuck away from me." She spat before getting into her car and driving away.

Elijah handed the phone back to Kol.
"It seems as though you owe that poor woman an apology." Kol chuckled as he noticed the guilt on his brother's face.

"It was an honest mistake." He sighed. Kol shook his head.

"Either way, you were pretty harsh with her." Kol pointed out.

"Kol, I'm not going to go out of my way to find this woman just because you want to sleep with her."

"I know. But you are going to go out of your way to find her because you are the noble brother. I bet the guilt is already eating you alive." Kol grinned like a child as he leaned back and put his feet up on his brother's coffee table.

"Must you always be so dramatic?" Elijah sighed, not wanting to admit that Kol had a point. Elijah searched up the article on his own phone and checked if there was another book signing. He noticed one at a bookstore downtown, not too far from his place.

"What are you looking at?" Kol asked, walking around the couch to get a glance at his brother's screen. Elijah turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"Nothing." He stood up and went to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. Kol followed him in, curious about what he was hiding.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Elijah questioned.

"I can tell when I'm not wanted." Kol scoffed pretensing to be offended. He walked to the front door, turning around to grin at his brother. "Tell Elena I say hello."

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