27. Rules of Engagement

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After lunch, the girls all returned to where they were staying to get ready for the evening. Elena had butterflies in her stomach, excited to declare to everyone that she would be marrying the most wonderful man she had ever met. Rebekah was helping Bonnie do her hair, further cementing the bond the two had been developing. Rebekah had always wanted to have a lot of sisters. Though she loved Freya, they hadn't spent much time together due to the age difference. Once Freya moved out, Rebekah was left with only her brothers to keep her company. Even though she loved them very much, it was nice to have women in her life. Despite everything she really hoped their relationships with her brothers would last. 

Caroline slipped on her dress for the party and groaned as she fought with the zipper. Klaus slipped into the room, a towel wrapped firmly around his waist. 

"Need a hand, Sweetheart?" He chuckled as the blonde struggled. Caroline gave him a look before letting out a disgruntled sigh. 

"Yes please." She pouted. Klaus walked up behind her and she let her arms fall as he slowly pulled the zipper up. They both stared at each other through the mirror, even after the dress was completely zipped up. 

"I must say I am much better at taking the dress off." He teased before lightly pecking her shoulder. She turned around to face him, blatantly enjoying the view. 

"Your brother will kill us if we're late." Caroline teased, stepping away from him. "Besides you're all wet." 

"Are you saying you're not?" Caroline squealed with laughter as he stepped closer to her and she moved away from him. She shook her head at his comment. 

"I'm going to go check on Elena. You get dressed." She instructed. By his grin, she could tell he liked it when she bossed him around. Caroline disappeared from the room with one final glance. 

Caroline knocked lightly on Elena's door and waited to be invited in. When she was, she pushed open the door, her eyes landing on her best friend. Caroline was almost in tears at the sight of Elena in a short white dress, fitting for the bride-to-be. 

"You know, I always thought you would marry Matt." Caroline teased earning a smile from the brunette. 

"For a while, I thought the same thing about you." She laughed. Caroline shook her head. "Tyler was also in the running."

"Could you imagine? Me and Tyler, You and Matt, Bonnie and Jeremy all raising perfect little families in matching houses all on the same street." She chuckled, shaking her head at the absurdity.

"Now look at us. Basically sisters."

"We've always been sisters." Caroline pointed out. 

"I'm scared Care." Elena frowned, glancing down at the ring on her finger. "I want to tell him the truth but I don't think he will forgive me."

"You have to have faith that your love is stronger than our deception. If we don't, then we should just go home and leave the Mikaelsons forever." Elena bit her lip, genuinely considering Caroline's suggestion. "Do you love Elijah?" 

"Of course." 

"Then everything will be okay." Caroline pulled Elena into a tight hug and the pair let their concerns melt away. "Now, we should get going. I think people would be upset if the guests of honor were late for their own party." 

When they got to the venue, Elena and Elijah did their rounds, greeting as many people as they could. Elena squeezed his hand as they reached his parents. She was beyond surprised when Esther pulled her into a hug.

"Welcome to the family dear." She whispered nearly bringing the girl to tears. Elijah's father shook his hand. 

As soon as Elijah's parents turned away, Elena squealed, tossing her arms around him. 

"Someone's excited. You'd think you two were getting married or something." Kol quipped as he and Bonnie came over to greet the happy couple. 

"Apparently mother has finally warmed up to the idea of my impending nuptials." Elijah grinned proudly. 

"She likes me," Elena whispered to Bonnie. 

"I guess it's too late to back out then?" Kol joked but Elena's glare made him raise his hands in surrender. Bonnie ruffled Kol's hair. 

The tension had diminished between Rebekah and Caroline and they were both glad to have their friend back.

"So you ended things with Marcel, what does that mean for you and Stefan?" Caroline asked as the pair sipped drinks near the edge of the dance floor. 

"Right now, I just need to be myself. I've always been so determined to find love but I think I need to be alone for a while. Figure out what I want." She shrugged. Caroline was glad that her friend was doing what was best for her but she couldn't help but feel bad for Stefan. She wondered if he had meant it when he said he would do whatever it takes to get her back.

"Are you staying in Chicago?" Caroline wondered, hoping the blonde would be sticking around.

"I'm actually going back to New York. I have some business I need to attend to and I will be moving the rest of my stuff out of Marcel's." Rebekah explained. "Thank you for letting me stay with you." 

"Thank you for being the best roommate and friend I could ever ask for." 

"I hate to interrupt but I was hoping for a dance." Rebekah rolled her eyes as Klaus held out his hand for Caroline. Caroline was hesitant to abandon Rebekah but Bekah lightly shoved her into the arms of her brother. Rebekah wasn't left alone long as she caught sight of a familiar brunette in the crowd.

"I thought you would be stuck to my brother's side all night." Rebekah teased. Elena didn't turn around instead, walking right past Rebekah as she headed for the stage. The blonde frowned but decided to move on, spotting Freya and Keelin talking to some of Elijah's friends. She glanced back at Elena before getting lost in a conversation with her sister. 

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