1. Guest 🕸

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"Unhappy darling, hmm?" The low raspy voice rang out in the small room, small sinister smirk plastered over person's face.

"Yes, completely... mhm." A bit softer and strangely calm voice replied, as the sharp edge of the knife met his pale white skin of the neck. His mahogany eyes fluttering open, peeking under the black fluffy bangs. His fingers wrapped around the sharp knife, bringing it to his lips and licking the edge seductively.

"You, look awfully beautiful today." The another voice rasped out, the male figure sinking into the mattress as his face met the week light peeking through the window. Sinister smirk still over his face but eyes burning with passion when he retreated the knife. Brown strands slicked back, mustache framing his smile.

"Oh, well thank you, mon cher." The delicate fingers ghosted over the latter's cheek. Pleasant goosebumps raising upon his skin, small sigh leaving older male's lips.

"That's French, Yien." The older male chuckled darkly, the small sparks of arousal litting inside his body. He gasped, capturing the blood red lips against his in passionate kiss.

"Mhm..." Yien covered his eyes with crook of the elbow, shying his pale face away from the morning sun. The black sheets creased and his body wrapped up to chest, "Sun, Jiaer."

Jiaer laughed, his laugh rang out in the room as he quickly got up, taking the sword from beside the bed and jumping over the mattress, "En garde, monsieur soleil!" Sword going downwards, closing the blinds. The darkness again inviding the room.

"Jiaer, last night you were unhinged. Like desperate howling demon..." Yien said, straightening his posture, delicate black hugging his stature. Calmly cocking his head aside to Jiaer, facial features twist in what seem to be worry, eyes piercing through latter who tilted his head, "You frightened me..." Yien paused a little, before smile curled his lips, "Do it again?"

"Cara mia... Tonight, I'm gonna make you sickly satisfied." Jiaer took latter's pale, snow-white hand with couple of rings, and kissed the knuckles like a gentleman. Alluring the moan from Yien's lips that hummed, "But remember, we're having guest today..."

"I know. He's gonna feel terribly uncomfortable in out home." Yien laughed quietly, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, "Don't you feel excitement in the air?"

"Of course I do, darling. It just makes my skin crawl." Jiaer laughed charming, offering a gentle hand to Yien who zipped his black ripped jeans. Accepting the help, and falling into his embrace when the sudden explosion sound followed by shaking of the house appeared. He rested his head on Jiaer's broad chest, arms wrapped around him until everything settled.

"Looks like the kids are awake." Jiaer laughed, Yien only nodding his head, detached from his lover to smile spookily.

"I'm worried. This explosion..." Yien began, supportong his chin with his fist, worriedly shaking his head, "It's weaker than yesterday. Are kids sick?"

"No, my own dear brother, Youngjae must've told them about our guest." He assumed with proud smile, fixing the collar of his black shirt under the robe, "Don't worry dear. Shall we have breakfast?"

"Oui, mon cher." Yien replied seducingly, his fingers tracing along Jiaer's jawline. Pressing a soft kiss upon his lips as Jiaer gasped.

"You know what your French is doing to me, En." He leaned for another kiss, hands hooking on tiny waist of Yien. Although, Yien stopped him, detaching.

"Breakfast, my dear. We shall not let Maman wait." Yien said, his hand interlocking with latter's, pulling him through the door towards the kitchen.

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