Chapter 10

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Storm sighed as he heard another knock.
"I told you guys I really am not in the mood." He shouted at the door.
Another knock.
Storm stood up feeling irritated and the huge number of people in his house and opened the door.
Nova jumped at the other end of hallway as Storm looked around.
"Did you knock?" He asked her, she shook her head slowly.
Storm nodded awkwardly and closed the door.
Great, I'm starting to hear things, he though.
But then another knock.
And he would've thought he was going bat crap crazy, if suddenly his eyes haven't fell on his window, where Nashi was crouching on the pedestal, awkwardly waving at Storm. He sighed and shook his head before making his way to the window. Nashi gave him a hopeful smile, as Storm reached out his hand and pulled the blinds over the glass.
"Oh come on Storm. Let me in." Nashi whined and knocked on the window again.
"Has it occurred to you that I don't want to see you?"
"Storm please. Let me in. I want to apologize." There was silence before Storm reluctantly opened the blinds and then the window, letting Nashi jump into his room.
"Heh, I haven't done this in a pretty long time. Remember, whenever we wanted to sneak in we always used your window. We tried mine once but you were too heavy for the small branches remember?" Nashi ranted on as she climbed in and awkwardly stood opposite Storm, who's face was expresionless as his hands were crossed at his chest.
" You wanted to apologize?"
"Right." Nashi meddled her hands together, her shoulders falling forward. "I did. Last night, I reacted way too harshly. I got defensive and said things in a way that I didn't intend. For that, I am sorry." Pause. "And for lying to you. About the dancing group, and about the fact that me and Kol are friends."
The silence that followed was heavy. Nashi couldn't look at Storm as she kept staring at her legs, playing with her fingers, a thing she did whenever she was really nervous.
Nashi expected a lot of things but she didn't expect Storm to reach over and wrap his arms around her. Her face twisted into a surprised expression as Storm pressed her against him, his arms wrapped tight. "Whaaa?' "Shut up I'm still mad." Storm muttered into her hair, inhaling. "And I am going to be mad because that half-assed apology of yours is absolutely not enough. But...." Pause as Storm inhaled again. "But I can't get out of my head what you said yesterday. And it really scared me. So before anything, please promise me." He whispered. "Please promise me you'll never say anything like that ever again."
"I am so sorry Storm. I wanted to tell you, I really did, I hated lying to you and keeping stuff away from you. I didn't want you to look at me like," Nashi looked up to meet Storm's face. "Like you are doing right now. Like everyone who knows about my condition does. Like I am three seconds away from dropping dead."
"And don't you dare tell me that it's not true, I can see it imprinted on your face." Nashi scoffed and hugged Storm tightly back.
"How could you lie that easily?" Storm whispered as they sat down on his bed. Nashi sighed and once again, she couldn't look directly at him, though for someone who knew her so long, Storm knew it was then she was telling the truth even when it was hard, she never looked directly at anyone.
"It wasn't easy. I had to go behind Ma's, Juvie's and your back, hiding the fact that me and Kol are actually pretty good friends. Then there is also the fact that I know that you two can't stand each other." Nashi chuckled a little.
"How long have you been dancing for again?" "I don't know, about five months I guess." Nashi thought. "Yeah that seems right. I didn't want to start again for so long, all the arguments I had with Kol before I caved."
"But that is not why you are really mad right? Come on Storm, I know you better than you know yourself." Nashi said after Storm just kept quiet, but now he scoffed. "Yeah, I thought the same about you."
"Ouch." Nashi muttered but nodded. "But yeah, I guess I am not in the position to get offended by that. But you do know me Storm."
"Yeah I thought that. But then I find out that you have been lying to me all the time. I thought, that no matter how horrible the thing is, we always told each other everything. We never hid anything from each other." If Storm yelled loudly, it would not have had such a hurtful impact as it had, as Storm just talked at a normal volume, but the hurt and betrayal in his voice stung Nashi right where it really hurt.
"I am really sorry for that Storm. You know you can trust me. It was always me and you. I don't want to loose that. But I also understand that, this is not something that you can forgive me for really easily, so I'll give you time." Nashi sighed as Storm didn't even look at her.
"I'll leave you alone." Nashi gave Storm a hurt awkward smile and stood up to leave his room.
"Ash?" She turned around when Storm called out after her. "You really have talent. Yesterday, you were good up there."
Nashi smiled at the boy she grew up with. "Thanks Storm." and with that she left his room.

"You guys still fighting?" Jax asked Storm on their way to school, even though it was already week later.
"They've been pretty much ignoring each other, or better, Storm's ignoring Nashi." Gale chuckled and ducked away from the glare he got back.
"I do not blame ya, if my siblings went behind my back like that they would get a lot more than just simple ignoring that's all." Metal smirked and threw his arm around his younger twin, holding him in a head lock.
"Get off me you brute." "Watch your tongue brat." "You are only eight minutes older!"
"Sibling love is awesome isn't it?" Jax laughed darkly in Storm's way, who ignored him and was looking at someone standing near the entrance.
"I'll be right back." he muttered before running off from the guys.
"Mind if we have a quick chat?" Storm asked and gestured to the direction, farther away from the entrance surrounded by other kids, and walked away without even waiting.
"So what's on your mind Lockser?" Kol raised an eyebrow at Storm.
"I am not going to ask Nashi to drop the dancing. I am not going to make her drop her dream. But you are."
"What?" Kol asked, feeling like Storm lost a screw or few. "It does not need to make sense to you but for Nashi, dancing is dangerous."
"Okay Lockser I think that you still have not sobered up but, come find me once you start to make some sense. Or you know what? Don't." Kol rolled his eyes and turned around, wanting to walk away.
"Bennet I am serious. It is dangerous for her, and you and I might never be on the same page, but after what I saw, I think that you at least care about Nashi, at least enough to listen to me on this."
"Let's make one thing clear Lockser." Kol stepped closer to Storm. "Just because me and Nashi are dance partners, does not mean that you and I, are suddenly going to become buddies, or even be human to each other. You've hated my guts since I can remember, and suddenly you want me to do something for you? That's not how it works." Kol chuckled. "And besides who says I care about the pinky-head. It's just pretty fascinating to watch that hit piece of ass move that way." Storm's hands curled into fists at those words but Kol just laughed. "Stop the overprotective brother act Lockser. Punch me all you want. Ain't gonna change a thing." Kol laughed and ducked at Storm's swing.
"Oooh. Somebody's pissed." Kol chuckled. "But you sure are putting up a tough act. Maybe trying to distract yourself from something?" "Do you have an off switch on that mouth or should I help it a little?" said Storm, who's patience was wearing really thin.
"Harsh words Lockser. Little unoriginal, but I'll give ya some points. The truth is though, you are not pissed at Nashi, you are pissed at yourself for not finding out. It's pretty obvious." Kol rolled his eyes annoyed at this whole conversation. "Next time you want to start a fight, think it through a little, will ya?" He gave Storm a smirk and left.
Leaving Storm pissed, because he knew that Kol was right.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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