Chapter 3

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"What do you mean you couldn't come to my house last night? I waited for you with my friends all night!" Nashi pulled her phone away from her ear as she was getting ready for school in the morning.
"I'm really sorry Sierra. Something came up and..."
"Well what?"
"Actually you know it will be better if you see it cause otherwise you would not believe me. See ya at school." The pinkie ended the call before her friend could yell at her some more and sighed.
She grabbed her crossbody school bag and threw a pill in her mouth.
"Get up!" She banged on Storm's door on her way down and chuckled at the groan she heard from him.
Every morning.
She hopped her way to into the kitchen and then she froze.
"Oh right. Forgot you lot are here."
"Behave." Juvia frowned from her breakfast.
Nashi smiled at her as she took more pills from the counter. "Oh I always do Juvie."
"So what is going to happen today?" Blue haired girl asked and Nashi turned to her. "Well..... sorry forgot you name."
"Well Eileen, today me and Storm will take you to our school. Just taking few strangers with us to school. Why not?" Juvia slapped the back of Nashi's head and Nashi giggled.
"Well what about these two?" Nova waved her hand in Makarov's and Macao's direction.
"I work from home so I'll watch over them." Lucy smiled at Nova as she sipped her ritual morning coffee.
"And all of you are going to be late if you don't leave now." Storm ran to the kitchen, grabbed his lunch and ran out.
Nashi groaned as she quickly finished her bagel and ran after him. "Oh no you do not get to lecture us after waking up 5 minutes ago!!"
Though she did pop her head into the room once more. "You guys. We really have to go, we can't be late."

"So you never really went to a normal school?" Nashi asked Berry in disbelief.
Eileen shook her head. "Well to be super exact we did go to school, it's just that the teachers were our parents and we studied magic. But there was a schedule and all."
Nashi shook her head and turned back to guys who followed the girls.
"So how is this going to work?" Gale asked as he saw Nashi looking at him.
"Well there are four years on a high school. A Freshman, Sophmore, Junior and Senior. I am a Senior and Nashi is Junior. You and Metal will be seniors with me, Berry and Eileen will be Juniors with Nashi, Nova and Ron you two will be Sophomores and Emma as the youngest will be a Freshman." Storm answered him as they came close to the school.
"I would pout that I'm alone but well I was born last." Emma crouched her shoulders and Berry laughed.
"Uh.... I don't want to freak you out by there is a girl that's giving you a death glare." Nova nugged at Storm's arm and pointed at one of the Sophomores that gave Storm a look that could cut a stone wall in half.
Nashi turned over to Storm with open mouth. "You did not!"
"Maybe I did."
"She is Dennis' sister. He'll cut you in half!"
"Oh please." Storm gave Nashi a small sexy smirk and ran his hand through his hair. "Who would touch me?"
"Gross." Nashi turned away from him and grabbed Eileen and Berry away from the group of laughing boys, as Emma and Nova followed.
"So what was that?" Emma asked as the boys entered the school and the girls still stood in front of it.
"Oh that? Yeah Storm nails every girl that he gets a chance to. And the girls still throw themselves at him." Nashi crouched her shoulders and almost fell down as a girl jumped at her.
"You little pinkie! How come you get to hang up on me and then you show up here with people I don't know?!?"
"Okay Sierra please use your inner voice." Jax came from behind and unglued her from Nashi.
"Jax, Sierra, these are people who will stay with us for a time being. Apparently, Ma and Juvie have these old friends are they called in a You own me one on them, so by the by this is Nova, Emma, Eileen and Berry. There is also Gale, Ron and Metal but they already went in with Storm. You guys, these are my two favorite people Jax and Sierra."
Jax flashed his sexy smile on the girls. "Nice to meet you all."

(That's Jax

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(That's Jax.)

"And I'm Sierra. Not that I fully understand what's happening here, but so nice to meet all of you, we are going to have so much fun." She smiled at the girls and pushed Jax towards the entrance. "You get lost."

(This is Sierra

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(This is Sierra.)

"See you at lunch!" Jax yelled before he disappeared inside.
"We should follow him." Nashi said and as they went inside she noticed that Nova blushed.
"Oh does someone here find Jax attractive?"
Nova's eyes widened and she turned so red that all of the girls present erupted into laughter.
"Fine. Sierra, would you please show Emma and Nova where are the Sophomore and Freshmen classes? I'll take Berry and Eileen to ours. Thank you very much, see ya!" And Nashi ran down the hall with Eileen and Berry chuckling at her friends groan.
"So what. We just gotta be here the whole day and sit and listen?"
"That's pretty much the gist of it." Nashi answered Berry and as they entered the class she sat them next to her.
"You know it's kinda amazing how easy you take all this with us moving in." Eileen squinted her eyes at Nashi as she took out a bottle of water.
"Yeah well you guys took this thing really easy too. I mean you do live in a different city with people you never saw before."
"Not really. But after battling people to survive since a long time, moving in with people you don't know doesn't sound so bad." Said Berry.
"Well I've lived my whole life with Ma, Juvie and Storm in that house and never set a foot out of this city, with people I've known since I can remember. You guys are the first new faces ever since Nina Dobrowszky was an exchange student from Poland in the fifth grade."
"And there are finally cute guys here who I haven't seen go through their chubby middle school period." Sierra threw herself on a chair in front of Nashi and when Eileen raised an eyebrow at her she crouched her shoulders. "What? I saw Jax and Storm with the guys that came with you. Yummy!" She spun on her chair to the front just as the teacher walked into the class.
"Morning students. Excited for today? I see that we have new faces in between us and I'm sure we are all excited to hear about who and from where are they but since the Math won't let's herself, leave that for the break."
Nashi smirked brightly at the girls next to her. "And that's the least lame teacher at our school."

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