Chapter Twenty

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Today was the day we were moving into the new Trap House as well as sending out the invitation. Little did I know, we weren't moving to Hawaii. The place we are moving into is like a Hawaiian paradise. They tricked us. I finish packing everything up and we begin moving everything from our room to the moving truck we had rented. Colby was driving that to the house while I give out the invitation.

I knocked on Sam's door and left the letter at his feet. I quickly walked away and went to Jakes apartment. I dropped the letter on the floor with a balloon attached to it and walked away quickly. Getting into the elevator, I left the apartments and continued giving them out. I dropped a bunch at my families door, Corey's house, and more. It was going to be a great time.

Soon after delivering all the invitations, Colby and I met up at a cafe and grabbed something to eat. We finished up our food after a while and went back to getting our things. I took apart everything I had, most of it going to my parents house. I packed everything up and got the stuff inside the truck once Colby came back. He pulled me in and kissed me softly. "I love you baby." He said as he smiled. I blushed and kissed his nose. "I love you too." I said softly and we got everything to my parents house. My father came out and he gave me a hug and kiss before getting everything inside.

* * *

We were finally at the house and finished putting things away. Well, as much as we could. Colby was filming a video and I was relaxing on the side watching them. "What's up guys, my name is Colby Brock. These are the trap boys, plus my wife, and this is the trap house. Colby walked around recording us doing things in the yard for the intro.

"It's a free country, It's a free country, It's a free country, It's a free country, It's a free country." I laughed and shook my head going inside to grab my sweater and walked back out. "Aright so like I was saying, it's a free country and now we live in a place called the trap house which is in Hawaiian civilization." I shook my head and listened to them.

Colby grabbed a bunch of boxes and started to duck tape them to sail across the pool. I raised my eyebrows as they messed around and laughed. "We're gonna build a God Damn boat today." I shook my head watching them and placed my hands on my stomach as I felt the baby move.

Jake ran inside and came back out wearing a beard. I laughed and shook my head recording this. "Who are you?" Colby asked. "Why I'm here from the future." I shook my head and smiled as Jake spoke. Wow this is great. Colby was playing along. "Oh yeah, then what am I struggling with the most right now in my life?" He asked. "Depression." Jake answered and I laughed so hard.

Colby looked at me and smiled. They continued to mess around and soon, he was set off to dial the pool. I got into the water to help push him and smiled. "HE MADE IT!" We cheered and laughed. They continued to record and I just stayed in the water. It felt nice. After filming all the videos we needed, we went inside and filmed the outro.

After finishing it up, Colby and I went into the nursery and started to finish it up and heard a knock on the door. Corey peaked his head in and smiled. "This looks great guys." I smiled and looked around happy. "Yeah, I hope this little chubby bunny's gonna like it." Tomorrow was the gender reveal and I am so happy to finally learn what it is.

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