Chapter 29

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Memphis POV

   Whatever just went on in there, is not at all what I expected to happen. Not by a long shot.

   Principal Sanders loved my mom? Knox let Harry call the shots on some things, and followed his advice? And Harry was..dark?...Twisted?

    I don't even know what to fucking call it, but seeing him back there was a side of him I never would have imagined. The Harry I've seen has always been so kind and gentle with me. He was a great listener, and seemed to really genuinely care about my happiness. I never would have guessed he had some kind of darkness dormant inside of him like that.

     And never would I have ever guessed that I would have liked it. Seeing him that way did something to me, and turned me on in ways I should seek out a counselor for. Because what did that say about me?

    I was just as dark and twisted as him.

    We were back in the hummer now, going to God only knew where. Knox was driving and Dickson was up front, Harry and I were seated together in the back. And Principal Sanders was tied up and tagged in the trunk with a bag over his head, though I didn't think he'd be waking up any time soon.

     It would be hell of a night for the police to decide to pull us over. Not really sure Sheriff Styles could even talk us out of this one.

    We all sat quietly while we waited for Knox to get off the phone. Harry had his hand resting on my leg, and every so often he would pick it up and stroke my knee, causing goosebumps to raise up on my skin. He knew exactly what he was doing too by the flirty little smirk that overtook his face every time it happened.

    Finally, Knox ended the call and placed his phone down in a cup holder.

    "So what's going on now?" Dickson asked.

     "There going to go and replace the door and frame at his house to make it look less suspicious, no signs of a break in. They'll clean up whatever we didn't get to. I took his phone with me, it's locked but they think Scooter can crack it and get into it. I'll send a message from his phone to someone at the school and let them know principal Sanders is going to be out for the week, he's come down with a base case of flu." Knox explained, and it was honestly scary that a 20 minute phone call is all it took for him to cover up the long list of laws we broke tonight. 

     "Where are we taking him?" I ask, still unsure of where we were going.

    "To one of our safe houses. That way we can question him here, and if we have to leave because he hasn't gave us answers on time yet, they'll be people there 24/7 who can help keep an eye on him."

     "And no one is going to notice him being gone for a week?" I ask.

     "He was an only child and parents are both dead. If anyone asks where he is, I'll have his phone and can easily respond as if I'm him. No one will ever know the difference."

     "It's a little scary that you know all of that and can make this happen so easily." Harry said, while absentmindedly twirling a strand of my hair around his finger, no trace of judgement or worry in his voice.

     Was he truly not bothered by the fact that brother beat a man unconscious and then we tied him up and tossed him in the trunk?

     "That's part of what we do. We can make people disappear if we have to, just not something we need happening on the regular, gets a little harder to cover things up then."

     "True." Harry said, again, like this conversation was the same as if we were discussing the weather.

     "You okay, Memphy?" Dickson asked, turning around in his seat and looking at me. "You're awfully quiet back there."

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