Chapter 25

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Memphis POV

    The last thing I ever expected to see when I walked into Drake King's party was Rowan Montgomery, co captain of the cheer-leading team, sitting on Harry's lap.

   His. Fucking. Lap.

   Do you know what is in a guys lap? Cause I sure as shit do. And its not something Rowan fucking Montgomery should be sitting anywhere near.

   I could feel the anger rolling off of me in waves, and I was doing my best to control it, but I wasn't sure I had ever been this pissed off before in my life.

    "Want me to kill him?" Knox asks, standing next to me.

    "No, that's okay. I think I can handle this." If anyone was going to kill Harry, it was going to be me.

    "You ever going to tell me what the hell happened between you two?" Knox asks me, for like the hundredth time this week. I never told him, Dickson was still the only one that knew.

    "Does it really matter anymore? Look at him; he looks perfectly fine with the way things are." And then there was me, who was definitely not fine. I was far from fine.

   "What are we looking at?" Dickson asks, walking over and placing an arm around me and Knox. He turns his eyes in the direction I still haven't been able to look away. "Oh shit!" He screams, and then just to make more mad, he starts laughing his ass off. "Damn, Harry didn't come to play games did he?" He bends at the knees and is laughing so hard his face is turning red.

   Dickson is in no way quiet, and after his little outburst just now, about everyone in this damn room is looking at us questioningly. Including that asshole who has another bitch in his lap.  Okay, that's not fair of me. I don't know Rowan well enough to call her a bitch, and she actually seems pretty sweet. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with her sitting on his lap.

   Harry looks up at me, and its like magnets to our eyes. I can't look away and it doesn't look like he can either. I don't know what my face is showing, but for once I hope my emotions on this inside are extremely transparent. I want Harry to know how bad seeing him with another girl is making me feel. I know I broke up with him, and he doesn't know why, but this was the last thing I ever saw him doing.

    I take a deep breath and turn away from him, unable to see Rowan sitting in his lap any longer. I need a drink, and a strong one at that. When I walk into the kitchen, there's a group of people getting ready to take a round of shots, and I instantly insert myself into this group, wanting to do as many shots as I can. Anything to erase this night out of my head already.

   I have the intense urge to leave, I don't even want to be around any of these people anymore, but I know Knox wouldn't like that, so I just have to suck it up and deal with it.

   An arm suddenly comes around and pulls me back into a hard chest. I look back and see its Drake King, the guys house we're currently at and who is hosting the party. Also on the football team and close friends with Knox. Also, been trying to hook up with me since I was a freshmen. I constantly said no, because he was friends with my brother and that was just an extra problem I didn't need.

   But tonight that may change, I hadn't decided yet just how far this little feud between Harry and I was going to go.

   "Hey Drake," I drawl, and lean my head back on his chest.

   He dips his head down and nuzzles in head into my neck. "You always smell so damn good Memphis, like peaches and cinnamon. Weird ass combination, but mouthwatering none the less."

    I try not to let his words bother me, but its something similar that Harry said to me while standing in his bathroom not that long ago. I just giggle in return, and let him think its something I like hearing and not an unwanted reminder.

Absolutely, Positively, No Harry's Allowed// H.SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt