Chapter 23

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Memphis POV

Fucking. Harry.

I mean, what kind of asshole does that? I would have been willing to have sex with him in front of the whole student body he had me so turned out. And he knew exactly what he was doing.

I knew exactly what he was trying to do, but that didn't matter when I could feel his dick rubbing right up on my vagina.

A vagina that in fact, had not seen any kind of action in months, and I was severely paying for it now. I was going to have to a talk with her and let her know that no matter how bad we wanted Harry, he was strictly off limits to us.

There's definitely something to be said about how something being forbidden to you makes you want it that much more. 'Cause I definitely wanted Harry before I was told I couldn't have him anymore. But now? Now its like I realized just how much I really do want him, and the curious thoughts I have about what it could be like are going to keep me up at night.

Maybe we could have a couple times of wild sex and then be done. Get him out of my system.

No. No. No. No. Shut up, you stupid, horny, one track brain and libido. Harry is off limits, which means I'll just have to find someone else to take care of my issue.

Only problem is, it seems like my heart, brain, and vagina only have wants for Harry these days.

Fuck. My. Life.


Sitting in class with Harry was quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do before. I swear I could smell him, his natural guy smell and his cologne was teasing me from a couple rows down. I didn't even walk into class until the last minute, not wanting to give myself the opportunity to be tempted to talk to him or jumping his bones in front of our teacher.

That was a sure fire way of getting myself suspended and probably killed by my brothers.

I walked into the classroom with my head down, and still had yet to pick it up. I was acting as if I was super interested in all things below eye level.

I was sitting in my desk and my knee was bouncing a hundred miles an hour, and twitching my pencil in my hand. The teacher was talking, about what I have no freaking clue. I couldn't even concentrate on anything other than Harry.

A run was most definitely going to be a necessity after school today. I had to do something to take my mind off of things, or I was seriously going to lose it.

Absolutely, Positively, No Harry's Allowed// H.SWhere stories live. Discover now