Chapter 26

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A/N warning: sex scene below, if you don't wanna read it just skip down a little. If you do wanna read it, enjoy 🤪

Harry's POV

Let it be known, I'm not a virgin. Lauren Simon took that from me and I took that from her summer before we went into 10th grade. It was weird, it was awkward, and we definitely shouldn't have done it. Both of us just wanted to do it to get it over with and to be able to say we had.

That being said, it wasn't bad. I'm a guy. Is sex ever really bad for a guy? No. And if he says it was, he's lying. After Lauren, I had hooked up with a handful of girls, and all of those were better for sure because we were older and there was a lot more lust involved.

But sex with Memphis? Otherworldly. I'm pretty sure the amount of sexual tension and want could start a fire in this barn right now, and I would do absolutely nothing to put it out.

I was so attuned to every sound she made. When I curled my fingers just the right way inside of her, and rubbed my thumb on her clit, she made the hottest little breathy moans I'd ever heard before, and had me so turned on I wasn't sure if I could see straight.

"Condom," she gasped out, when my mouth finally wasn't covering hers. "Do you have one? Get one on." She demands, while her little hands are quickly undoing my belt buckle and jeans button. She wraps her hand around my dick and starts pumping her hand. She pulls her hand out, licks her palm, and then sticks it back down my pants and starts jacking me off again.

I groan loudly, unable to help myself. "If you don't stop doing that, there will be no need for a condom." I'm not proud of that, I haven't come in my pants from a girl giving me hand job since like 8th grade, but Memphis could definitely rectify that tonight, if she wanted to.

She doesnt stop though, and keeps kissing my neck and pumping my dick, and then sucking on my earlobe. Goosebumps are springing out all over my body and I know there will be no stopping this if we don't stop now.

"You're sure you wanna do this?" I ask her.

She pulls back slightly and looks at me questioningly. "Don't you?" She averts her gaze to my pants, where I'm so hard its almost painful.

"Of course I want to, don't be stupid. I just mean do you want to do this here? Our first time together will be a barn of some guys house that I seriously questioned about murdering."

She giggles, and I wonder if she thinks that was a joke. I haven't actually decided if I'm killing him or not yet, its still up in the air right now. "I don't care where we are, or what the scenery is, just as long as it's with you." She says, and looks at me in a way that I know she truly means what shes saying.

Without saying another word, I reach into my back pocket and pull out my wallet where I always carry a condom. I know, cliche, whatever, fuck off and leave me alone.

Memphis takes the condom out of my hand and rips it open with her teeth before pulling it out and lowering it down. She pulls me all the way out of my pants and rolls the condom on like a pro. "Should I be concerned that you know how to do that so well?"

"Would you rather I had been having unsafe sex?" She asks, while taking off her top and unhooking her bra, letting me see her bare tits like this for the first time.

I lose my train of thought for a minute. "No, definitely not. Just maybe no sex with anyone else until you met me."

"Well it's a little late to worry about all of that now, and is this really what you want to discuss right now? I feel like there's a much more serious matter at hand." She says, and to really drive her point home, wraps her hands around my dick again, and then leads it over to her entrance, where I can feel the heat coming off of her.

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