Chapter 6

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Memphis's POV

The music is so loud in this cramped living room I can feel the vibrations hitting the red solo cup I'm holding. I'm standing with Sierra, one of the few girls at this party that I can stand. One of the few girls who isn't wearing shorts so short that you can see her cervix, and smells like she just stepped out of a Bath and Body Works commercial.

I know, I shouldn't be so cynical, but can you honestly blame me? I don't even want to be here, but my controlling asshole of a brother didn't exactly give me an option. It was either come, or he was going to tell my grandma that I failed Spanish last semester and had to go to summer school to make up for it.

Forging her signature on report cards was extremely too easy, and having someone who was older raise you in this generation? It had its perks. Shit was almost too easy to hide from her, and she didn't ask many questions unless she had a reason to worry. I never failed classes, so she didn't think she needed to worry about my report cards. And in my defense, I didn't fail Spanish because I didn't know the material, I failed Spanish because it was my first class of the day, and my lazy ass brothers had a hard time getting to school before the tardy bell rang.

Anyway, my point is, my brother is a conniving asshole, and probably the one person in this world that I don't stick up to. I could easily threaten that I'll tell grandma that he's fighting for money illegally, but he knows I won't. I just dont have it in me to get him trouble or make things harder for him. Plus he uses that money to help take care of all of us, and helps my grandma pay the bills she wouldn't be able to keep up with otherwise. I don't know what lie he tells her, about where the money comes from. I don't ask and they don't tell, and thats the way I like things.

"See anyone you're interested in?" Sierra asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I scan the many faces around me. "Not necessarily." It had been a while since I had hooked up with anyone, and if I had to be here, I was at least going to make it worth my while.

I had strict rules about who I hooked up, but the list was short. One, it never happened multiple times. We had our fun and that was it. Two, they absolutely didn't go to my school, and were around my overbearing brothers. Three, what happened between us, stayed strictly between us and the bedroom. If I thought you had a big mouth and were the type to boast to your friends? I was getting nowhere near you. The fourth and final rule was kinda a given; You're name couldn't be Harry.

And for the first time ever, I was starting to regret that rule.

I mean, I never really thought there would ever be an attractive Harry, around my age, at my school, and obviously be interested in me. It just seemed too far fetched.

Did I mention he was attractive? Because, fuck, he was fine as hell.  I couldn't get his curls, dimples, and dark green irises out of my head.

Just then a basketball player from another school walked in, and I knew who I would be pursuing tonight. Brody Jenson was big, tall, muscular, blonde hair and blue eyes. A notorious player, never did the serious girlfriend thing and never asked too many questions. 

Which meant he was right up my alley.

"Bingo." I said to Sierra, and she followed my line of sight. When she saw who I was looking at, she gave me a discreet wink and smirk.

"Looks like I'll go find Knox and see what he's up to." She said, knowing how this works for us.

She distracts, I approach. We both get laid, we both win.

Except unfortunately, I think Sierra may have real feelings for my asshole brother, and I didn't want her getting hurt in our little game. I could always find other ways to sneak around. Sometimes that was most of the fun anyway.

Absolutely, Positively, No Harry's Allowed// H.SHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin