Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

The rest of the week passes slowly, without much conversation between my dad and I. He does tell me he bought me a car though from one of his friends who owns a junkyard, and he's hoping it's something we can fix up together.

I guess that helps to snub away some of the negative feelings I harbored about moving here.

Also, the girl across the street has taken up a lot of my time as well. I spend more time than necessary doing shit outside to try and catch another glimpse of her. Either they never come out, or they're already gone and don't come back home. It seems I'll check one minute and the car is there, and then the next its gone. I don't ever hear them coming or going, and it's frustrating as hell. I finally decided they must all be related, they were constantly together and I had never seen anything PDA going on with her and any of them.

I try to ask my dad one more time about them, claiming I wanted to know a couple of people before my first day of school. He's not at all on board with the idea.

    "Harry, those aren't the kind of friends that you want to have, and I will not have you gallivanting around with them either."

     Does this man really think after only being present during holidays and birthdays, he's all the sudden going to be able to dictate who my friends are? Not happening.

    "I'm well over the age of being able to decide who I can hang out with." I walk out of the kitchen without another word.

     My mom and I had an easy relationship. She didn't nose her way into my business, and I did the same for her. We liked it that way. We were close but not to the point of it being overbearing. Helicopter parents are the worst.

     So now it's Monday, and I just got dropped off in a police car. As a senior. In the front of the school. Where I still don't know a single person.

     My only saving grace is that he dropped me off so fucking early so there was barely anyone here, except the younger kids who got dropped off by their parents, but I wasn't worried about them either.

    I walked around the school and found some picnic tables that would suit me just fine until it was time to go into school. I pulled my headphones out and started listening to music, realizing for the first time that I was actually nervous for my first day of school, and not in the good way you sometimes used to feel as a kid and realized you were going to get to see all your friends again.

    Finally around 7:50, the parking lot started to fill up decently fast, but I was keeping my eye out for the car that sits in the driveway across from mine. It didnt take long, because not much later, I saw the black mustang pulling into the parking lot.

    As soon as the car was in park, there were people swarming around the doors, waiting for the people inside it to finally come out. The two older looking boys climbed out of the driver and passenger side, and instantly the girls started twirling their hair and talking their ears off, like they actually gave a fuck.

    The back door opened and one of the younger boys I noticed that first day stepped out, and had a bookbag slung over his shoulder. If I had to guess I would say it was his first year in high school. The 'deer in headlights' look kind of gave him away. He watched the girls with obvious fascination.

    Then she stepped out of the backseat, and my knee that was bouncing along to the beat playing in my ears, stopped moving.

    She had her hair down today, and it was way down her back, falling into dark curls. She wore a patterned shirt and tight jeans with some kind of black vans, but she made the shit look like a statement. She wore it like no one else ever could.

Absolutely, Positively, No Harry's Allowed// H.SWhere stories live. Discover now